
Has anyone had a negative side effect from grapefruit seed extract?

by Guest63487  |  earlier

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I had the stomach flu over the weekend and was taking grapefruit seed extract to help with it. 2 days later, I started feeling like I have a yeast infection (itching, burning, some thick white discharge). This doesn't make sense to me b/c i know that's supposed to fight yeast as well, so why would I suddenly get it? I googled for info. and found something that said "grapefruit seed causes changes in bacteria that can sometimes make you feel like you have a yeast infection" but when I clicked on the link, it didn't say anything further. Has anyone ever heard of that? Also, any suggestions? I can't use OTC creams b/c of horrible reactions. I can use Diflucan, but am hesitant b/c maybe this isn't really yeast? I am supposed to start my period today too, so going to the doctor is out.




  1. grape seed extract wont give you any side effects or a yeast infection because its a natural antibiotic. i used it once for tonsillitis with excellent results. if you dont want to take difluca you can always purchase kefir its a yogurt with live cultures and no sugar use a tampon and insert for fast relief whether you have an infection or not this remedy wil not harm you so its worth a try.

  2. I know you haven't mentioned combining antibiotics while taking grapefruit seed extracts.

    There is a danger in drinking fresh grapefruit juice or eating grapefruits when taking certain medications.

    Grapefruits and Grapefruit seed extract contains compounds that increase absorption of certain medications.

    How can something as seemingly harmless as grapefruit juice affect the medications you take?

    It has to do with a special enzyme in your intestines and liver that help you absorb many oral drugs and then excrete them when you’re done with the drug.

    For example if you were taking an antibiotic while taking the GSE it would make the antibiotic more powerful, therefore killing even more friendly bacteria in your body, which leads to yeast infections.

    Yeast infections are a type of vaginitis.

    The hallmark symptom of a yeast infection is itching of the external and internal genitalia, which is often associated with a white discharge that can be thick and/or curdy (like cottage cheese). Severe infections lead to inflammation of the tissue and subsequent redness, swelling, and even pinpoint bleeding.

    Some doctors believe that a well-balanced diet low in fats, sugars, and refined foods is important for preventing vaginal infections caused by Candida. In one preliminary trial, avoidance of sugar, dairy products, and artificial sweeteners resulted in a sharp reduction in the incidence and severity of Candida vaginitis. Many doctors advise women who have a yeast infection, to limit their intake of sugar, fruit juices, and refined carbohydrates. For persistent or recurrent infections, some doctors recommend that fruit also be avoided.

    Switch to cotton underwear

    Avoid the increased risks of yeast infection associated with nylon underwear and tights.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus is a species of friendly bacteria that is an integral part of normal vaginal flora.

    Lactobacilli help to maintain the vaginal ecosystem by preventing the overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria and Candida. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which acts like a natural antibiotic.

    One study demonstrated that 85% of women who used Boric acid vaginal suppositories were cured of chronic recurring yeast vaginitis. These women had all previously failed to respond to treatment with conventional antifungal medicines. The suppositories, which contained 600 mg of boric acid, were inserted vaginally twice a day for two weeks, then continued for an additional two weeks if necessary.

    Boric acid should never be swallowed.

    Caprylic Acid helps to destroy candida, and provides relief from over abundant yeast in the body.

    Olive Leaf Extract is effective against Candida Albicans reversing symptoms.

    Pau D’Arco is also effective against candida.

    Pumpkin seeds have been shown to paralyse and expel intestinal worms and other parasites.

    Kefir is a good source of probiotics.

    A good Detox followed by a quality probiotic formula should

    help you immensely !!

    I hope this helps !!!

  3. The grapeseed fruit extract supplement is a powerfull natural antiobiotic and has thus created a situation whereby your body is simply unable to tolerate the speed with which the toxins are being eliminated from your body......... either cut right back on the dosage or try taking some olive leaf oil as that also has a fantastic level of antioxidants that will help with the yeast infection.........  ditch all yeast and sugar too as the bacteria overgrowth (yeast infection) will literally feed on them and multiply.

    Maybe this link will be of use to you ~

    hope this helps a bit

    peace 2 u

  4. It may be that it just does not work as it claims to work here is an article below about that.

    For any effective treatment if it is bacterial or fungal use the Australian Bush Flower Essences that is liesed under infections bacterial/fungal in the book "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences


    I am really doubtful of it's effectiveness:

    Pharmazie 1999 Jun;54(6):452-6

    Aspects of the antimicrobial efficacy of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) and its

    relation to preservative substances contained.

    von Woedtke T, Schluter B, Pflegel P, Lindequist U, Julich WD

    Institute of Pharmacy, Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany.

    The antimicrobial efficacy as well as the content of preservative agents of six commercially available grapefruit seed extracts were examined. Five of the six

    extracts showed a high growth inhibiting activity against the test germs

    Bacillus subtilis SBUG 14, Micrococcus flavus SBUG 16, Staphylococcus aureus

    SBUG 11, Serratia marcescens SBUG 9, Escherichia coli SBUG 17, Proteus mirabilis

    SBUG 47, and Candida maltosa SBUG 700. In all of the antimicrobial active grapefruit seed extracts, the preservative benzethonium chloride was detected  by

    thin layer chromatography. Additionally, three extracts contained the preserving

    substances triclosan and methyl parabene. In only one of the grapefruit seed

    extracts tested no preservative agent was found. However, with this extract as

    well as with several self-made extracts from seed and juiceless pulp of

    grapefruits (Citrus paradisi) no antimicrobial activity could be detected (standard serial broth dilution assay, agar diffusion test). Thus, it is concluded that the potent as well as nearly universal antimicrobial activity being attributed to grapefruit seed extract is merely due to the synthetic

    preservative agents contained within. Natural products with antimicrobial activity do not appear to be present."

  5. well, here's a thought. Because GSE is an antibiotic, it could also be killing your good bacteria too in your vaginal flora, thus causing the yeast to take over. Stop the GSE and take garlic and pau d'arco tea for the yeast infection. I know its nasty but it works. Me personally, I like olive leaf extract better and havn't had any side affects from it. Very good for both bacterial and viral infections.  GSE is very powerful stuff, and just like grapefruit juice, shouldn't be taken with other meds. The only thing I like it for is insulin control.

    For stomach flu, fresh pineapple is the best. the enzyme in it destroys the protein coating of the viruses. Most people dont realize it, but enzymes are just as important as powerful herbs. No side effects too. Best of luck to you.

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