
Has anyone had a paranormal experience?

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If so, what happened?




  1. Yes! Too personal.....

  2. Yes, lets just say I lived in a haunted for about 2 years.  Yes there are really ghosts!

  3. I saw a ghost once in my house.  It was sitting at the foot of the stairs, got up and walked right past me.  I've learned since then that these kind of ghosts are called Shadow People.  Google "shadow people", there are tons of people who have seen them.

  4. In Austria, I had a vision just before I fell asleep that someone who looked just like me was getting out of a VW Beetle in a ditch and the top-left part of his face was severely injured. This went on for 5 years. One evening I was driving home and was flagged down by a local farmer who told me in a thick local dialect that there had been an accident and to help. I went down into the ditch just as a man who looked just like me was getting out of a VW Beetle. He had severe injuries to the top-left of his face. I found out later, that they were more superficial and he fully recovered.

    Those particular visions never recurred.

    I practice Nichiren Buddhism and accurate anticipation that often surprises my co-workers is fairly common. This sort of thing is not the main focus of Nichiren Buddhism, so I don't dwell on it.

  5. Sadly, no. I keep hoping to have a paranormal experience, but so far when anything seemingly eerie or mysterious has happened to me, a little investigation has revealed that it was most likely nothing more than everyday natural phenomena. But tomorrow is another day.

  6. Yes. However if one posts them in this section the lurking debunkers will pounce and accuse the person of lying, being on drugs, being mentally unstable, or stupid. Such questions get better answers in the Mythology & Folkore section where the more open minded people seem to lurk.

    However, since I am openly opposed to censorship and believe in the use of the report abuse button for such comments here is one story.

    When I was a sophmore in high school (many years ago) after visiting my grandfather in the hospital for a routine (but overnight stay required) operation I returned home with my mother and grandmother. Upon entering the house we heard foot steps upstairs, when no one answered our calls, my mother and grandmother waited outside in a lit area while I phoned the police before joining them outside. The police quickly arrived and searched our home and found no person and no doors or windows unlocked. We had lived in the house for 10 years and were quite familar with all the house noises non of which sounded like foot steps. My mother, grandmother, and myself never saw anyone exit the house despite observing the most obvious exits (front door & back door)

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  7. I saw a woman standing over me when I wokw up and I chased her until she dissappeared

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