
Has anyone had a sainsburys interview before? Is this an unusual interview time?

by Guest62692  |  earlier

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I got called for an interview, and Im sure she said that it was half 8 in the evening, but thinking about it, Im worried I mistaken her as half 8 in the evening seems like a funny time to have an interview? Has anyone else been to an sainsburys interview or any interview at that rate in the evening insead?




  1. haha cool, i have a somerfields interview at 4 today =D

    have you thought about why you want to work their etc?

    if i were you, i'd phone and check to make sure the time is right. they're not gonna mark you down for checking, and it's better to check and be sure than to have the wrong time!

    good luck, hope you get the job!

  2. I have had afew late interviews with Morrisons, but from experience of interviewing in these companies the latest we held an interview was 4.30pm, i would telephone the store and double check, at least they will know you are keen as you are following everything up.

    Good luck hope you get the job!

  3. i would call and double check. i had an interview at tesco's once and nobody even knew i was supposed to be having an interview, they offered me the job on the spot, aske when i wanted to start and i said from the way the interview went i dont want the job anymore. she seemed put out that i'd declined but there was no way i would have worked there, i was only 16 and i assume they thought i'd beg for the job regardless of how they treated me at the interview, which incedently took place in the canteen whilst the interviewer was on a lunch break!

  4. i had a sainsburys interview last year - they were interviewing all day from 8 am - 10pm so half 8 in the evening isn't odd - but I'd check with your local store that you are having the interview with

  5. You really need to check this. Just phone and say can you confirm the time of my interview as 8:30 pm ?

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