
Has anyone had a similiar experience when potty training thier children?

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My wife and I are potty training our not quite but almost three year old son, and he is completely obsessed with his p***s. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is p***s. he says things like "p***s, where are you p***s? p***s?" and he pulls open the front of his little fruit of the looms and stares. He has also started referring to it as "castle"

Its adorable, but i guess my real question is, do men every really change?




  1. I worked in daycare for 11years and all kids ages 2--6 find "bathroom words" highly amusing.  Yes playing with it is also very common many times I read a story looked around the group and would have to tell a boy to put it back in his pants.  One year a boy played with "it" so much on the potty then would get angry when it wouldn't stay down!

  2. I don't have kids, but my mum talks about how difficult it was to potty train my brother because he was very stuborn. But no, in our household the boys never talked or touched it in front of other people. Maybe it has something to do with your sociological views? s*x and bodies were very private in our family so we never talked about it.

  3. OMG, thank you for that! That is hilarious. "p***s, where are you...?" cute.

    Now I know what I have to look forward to! My son is just discovering his...he pokes at it, and then kicks his legs excitedly and laughs (usually in the bath).

    Now I can just look forward to the day that my son announces to the cashier in the grocery store that his p***s is a castle.

  4. He's healthy and happy.  Avoid making him feel like there's anything wrong whatsoever with his fascination with his p***s.  Actually play along with him.  Draw happy faces on folded toilet tissue, float it on the toilet bowl and you and your son take turns "blasting" it with your streams.  Belly laugh.  : )  When he asks why yours is bigger than his, tell him it's because you ate all of your green vegetables when you were his age.

  5. Hahahaha - that's hilarious! I like that he already refers to it as his castle!

    I guess you guys don't change - except maybe the name of it. I knew one guy that called his Thor! HAHAHA

  6. My boys have been potty trained for 2 1/2 and 4 years. They still talk about it every chance they get. Get 2 boys together and it gets worse. Good luck with your potty training though. I guess it's a good thing if he knows the pee comes out of it. Now just direct him towards the toilet and give lots of praise.

  7. Yeah, they do change.  My oldest boy no longer fondles his p***s publicly.  They frown on that in law school.  His younger male sibling has just recently developed a degree of furtiveness in his self-worship--but he's only nine.  Full furtiveness--and long, long showers--cannot be long in coming.

  8. I have no children but helped potty train many little bits when I taught toddlers.  I don't think it is anything to worry about, I did have one little one obsessed with his parts (it does look like a castle in a way...) but I don't think its something the average boy does.  However boys do tend to be much more infatuated with their parts than girls because they are so easily accessible.  My thoughts...don't worry too much just yet.  Discuss it with his pediatrician at his 3 year old check up and leave it at that for now.

  9. I think that's fairly common.

    My daughter is too young for potty training (13 months), but when her diaper is off, she frequently explores her little girlie parts with her hands. Extreme curiosity about the "bits" is normal.

    You do know, just so you don't freak out if it happens, that it's not unusual for extremely young children to m********e? If it happens, just ignore it.

  10. Well, my daughter (she's 2) doesn't have a p***s, but she very interested in her butt. She calls it her "pooh." She is interested in other people's butts as well. So, I don't know if people ever really change, but I do hope she outgrows this.

  11. no boys dont change...............when i potty trained my boys they always wanted 2 look and touch it but never said penies,but all three of my kids was going 2 the bathroom by the age of 1 1/2-2yrs old

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