
Has anyone had an Ectopic Pregnancy?

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I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum and I was just curious to see if there was a chance it could be ectopic? How do they determine the difference? I know its in the fallopian tubes but can they see the fallopian tube from the ultra sound?




  1. im kinda going through the same thing have they checked ur hcg results

  2. I have never had a ectopic pregnancy however I have miscarried so I am sorry for your loss.If you suspect that it is in your tubes than I would demand a hgh where they flush the tubes to check for any blockage in there.I would suspect that if it is a tubal you side would be hurting like the worst pain you have ever had.Once again I am sorry for your loss

  3. I think they can see it on the ultrasound. This pregnancy began as a suspected ectopic. They couldn't see the baby on the initial dating ultrasound. Before they sent me to the OR, they said they were going to do another scan and not stop until they found it in my tubes or not. So I took that to mean that they could see it on the scan. I was very lucky though, they were wrong and my baby was in the right place.  

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