
Has anyone had any POSITIVE experiences with Dish Network? I'm hearing a LOT of negative ones....?

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Has anyone had any POSITIVE experiences with Dish Network? I'm hearing a LOT of negative ones....?




  1. The latest I read the other day is that their newest hd satellite is now going to be scrapped because it's in the wrong orbit and can't be corrected delaying their hd content expansion even longer.

  2. I've been a Dish Net customer for 9 years and would not go back to local (Time Warner) cable.  The cable companies are actively engaged in "hype" that satellite is undependable.  

    The truth is, I lose the satellite signal only during VERY heavy storms for about five minutes.  This happens maybe twice a year.  When we had cable, it would go out about once every couple of months.  Also, in the entire time I've had DishNet, they's only  raised rates twice, and one of those was only on HBO.  I think cable has raised rates about ten times in that period.

    I hope this helps.

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