
Has anyone had any experience with FertilAid for Women?!?

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Has anyone used this and had good results?! I saw an artical about it and it was pretty good, but i wanted to see if anyone has already tried it and had any success with TTC! My Fiance and I have been TTC #1 for 17 months now and were starting 2 loose hope....I am 21 my Fiance is 23, we will be married next november! I help my uncle run his own bisiness and he is giving it to me one day so money is no issue plus my fiance has a well paying job also! So no immature comments please!




  1. I'll recommend you to see a gyno other then ordering fertilaid, I have pcos and I used the supplements, it only made my periods reguler because it were ireguler, I used it for 3 months. Fertiliad does have any ingredients in it to actually help you ovulate, the active ingredient in it is vitex, and this herb is used for ladies who don't get e reguler cycle and it may also help you ovulate but it would take months on the supplement.

    This supplement is just basically multivitamins and vitex

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