
Has anyone had any positive experiences with Scrying or remote viewing?

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If so, how did you get started,and how did you make it work for you?




  1. In my crystal ball I can see Nostradamus and I can tell you that he did.

  2. huh?

  3. this is one the best definitions of RV,

    Remote viewing (RV) is a skill by which a person (a "viewer") can perceive objects, persons, or events at a location removed from him or her by either space or time. In other words, one does not actually have to be there, nor does one need any so-called "physical" connections, such as television, telephone, etc., to gain information about the target.

    read this book; READING THE ENEMY'S MIND - Inside Star Gate, America's Psychic Espionage Program

    the author ; Army Major Paul H. Smith

  4. Yes, several. It really depends on a couple of things.  Trusting yoiur impressions and not thinking.  It is also much easier, I found if the other person's energy is more closely aligned with yours and allowing for such connecting.  Remember distance is a form of an illusion.  Do not force your energy, just allow the impression to pop into your mind and dont analyze it.  You will suprise yourself....


  5. I haven't but i'd love to. there are books to help you with psychic development and also courses.

    I just thought of something that happened to me. I had been working hard and had only had a couple of hours sleep the night before and had to get up early the next moning so tried to catch up on some sleep and went to bed. Although my body was exhausted, my eyes wern't sleepy, so i just closed them in the hope that i would drift off eventually. I don't remember how it began and i wasn't asleep but it was as if I was stood outside M&S in Salisbury looking towards a few other shops and i could see people coming out of the shops, to start with their faces would be blur and then come into focus and i could clearly see these strangers faces. It didn't feel that my astral body was there but my mind certainly was. As soon as i realised what was happening i seemed to snap out of it.

    Another thing i just thought of look at there is a free e-book and audio to dowload, it's supposed to help you get your mind into the alpha state.

  6. Actualy yes - I used to imagine myself walking (step by step, cocentrating hard) to a place, (house or something) and looking around it etc - I would then go there and see how accurate it was. And yes it was suprisingly accurate. There were a number of things that I saw that were correct (pictures on walls, hatstands and stuff like that) Which I could not known about before

    For me the thing is to let the images come to you and not force an image from your imagination.

    I got the idea of this from a book somewhere probably a (religousy mediationy type of thing) and was years before I heard about the CIA doing this kinda stuff

    Funnily enough I use the same technique, now, for getting to sleep as it seems that when the images start coming to you it is a bit like dreaming and a sign that your brain is producing alpha waves (or some such stuff - I don't really know) which seems to be what happens when you go to sleep

    Never heard of scrying

  7. I have had positve results with scrying. I use a glass picture frame; the glass has been painted with several layers of matt laquer.

    In general I see symbols and shapes. These then give access to other areas of knowledge.

    Occassionally I see faces or objects.

    It requires a focus and discipline and is best done when the mind is empty of thought i.e; after meditation.

  8. I have done remote viewing to locate people.   In order to this I picture their eyes in my mind then I back away from their face at look at the surroundings.  To do this you have to be completely relaxed.  I lie down on the bed.  It is much easier to do if you have an emotional/spiritual attachment to the person.  

    If not I have used a photograph of the person.  I hope this helps you.  Good luck

  9. What is Scrying any way? And if someone has successful remote viewing I would be interested in hearing from them as well.

  10. I don't know what scrying is.Remote viewing however is a super power, no one can do it.Uri Gellar had a scam going even got investors.In the end they found nothing. The Pear institute worked on it for years,nothing.It's just something people say they can do.Like telekinesis or fortune telling they can't demonstrate it.I can't wait to hear them say they can.

  11. As of yet, nobody has had success with this under controlled conditions.

    Of course there are legends of ninjas using remote viewing and gypsies using scrying are all too abundant in todays popular culture. However, don't confuse stories and media for reality.

  12. Zachary nailed it, but I can add this tidbit. Regarding PEAR's miserable attempts at remote viewing, their shoddy science has not gone unnoticed. One detailed review, written by George P. Hansen, Jessica Utts, Betty Markwick, concluded: “The PEAR remote-viewing [RP] experiments depart from commonly accepted criteria for formal research in science.  In fact, they are undoubtedly some of the poorest quality ESP experiments published in many years. The defects provide plausible alternative explanations. There do not appear to be any methods available for proper statistical evaluation of these experiments because of the way in which they were conducted.”

  13. I hear the charmed ones are v.good at scrying check with them. lol

  14. I had to look up the scrying. This to me is usually done using some type of medium or backdrop but is really a type of vision or halucination experience. I have had this a few times in my life but usually it was a third eye type of vision or projection.

    To the best of my recollection I was involved in a still "secret" remote viewing training program using children who had appeared to be psychic. One of my sessions involved a Russian military target or project which turned out to be a Particle Accelerator back in the early 70's.

      There have been noted to be a few people in these remote viewing groups which were supposedly at best around 50% accurate. One of which has been reported to be Joe Mc Moneagle. The US governement has reportedly stopped it's funding of these projects.

    It's my personal belief that remote viewing is in some way related to extraterrestrials using electrical implants or devices that allow these visions and communications. I have had a few x-rays that apparently show these objects in my skull. One of which had made it into one of the more common tabloids.

    I am under the impression that these people are and have been abductees for most of their life. It would seem that these beings will usually approach naive children to get their permission for these abductions and implant surgeries.

    Others it seems are hybrids or children implanted into hosts to which these aliens refer to as; "their" children. It appears that some of what is positive about these experiences is that they have been here for a long time and that religion and these implants have been  used as a teaching medium for morality and control purposes. But, not everyone would agree with this statement as being anything positive. So much for our free will.

    I have seen future events such as 9/11 and the Tsunami when I was younger. I also told my father back then how and when he would die of cancer at the age of 80. He had seemed relieved back then at the notion he would live until the age of 80 and be relatively successful with his business.

    He died this past January at the age of 80 of brain cancer.

    Seeing the future isn't always a positive experience when you can't change it. I wouldn't be very anxious to become one of these so-called remote viewers becuase there appears to be a price for this type of knowledge.

      It's not always pleasant or  "Your" experience when someone else takes over your body like some puppet. Many who end up in prison have claimed to be posessed by some entity or evil spirit. These people who do this may very well be the biblical fallen and watchers. They use these implants to control and to "Watch" what we see and do. Exactly who really are the lesser of these evils has still yet to be seen. For all that we know they play both sides of the fence and are the very same individuals and species. They do this because they; "CAN"

  15. No I have not.  Neither has anyone else.  Many people (myself included) would like to see something like remote viewing as a real phenomenon.  However, there is no evidence that such things exist.  You'll hear from many people who will tell you that ESP can be done, although they are unable to do it themselves.  Many will refer you to other people who make money off of true believers by writing books about such things.  If it so certainly exists, then why is it that no one can demonstrate such ability?

    There has been millions of dollars pumped into research with results that are no better than chance.

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