
Has anyone had any positive outcomes from taking the medication Zeolite? It is supposed to kill cancer cells.?

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A family member has been diagnosed with Prostate cancer and I was reading about the Zeolite liquid and tablets. Just wondering if anyone knows about it.




  1. The sale of Zeolite is done through Multilevel Marketing.  The stuff can be toxic and does not cure cancer.  It's a major scam.!!!

  2. I have never heard of it but I have been reading a lot about glutathione lately I had to do a project for school.  I researched a product that helps to fight cancer cells the website I visited was called

    this lady was very helpful and sent me a lot of clinical information, I believe if the science is behind it proven in clinical studies and published it is true.  So when people make a statement they should be able to back it up and MaxGXL from Max International had the backing.  Now I am only 17 yrs old and this company is a networking company but it is not snake oil, why would a complete stranger help me out with my project and she got nothing in return so I asked her she said I care about people and getting them the information that they need to help them become healthier.  I truly believe that this lady believes in the pay if forward system because only I gained from her knowledge so I would check it out it can't hurt.

    I wish you and your husband well and I will put you in my prayers tonight if I can get to sleep.  trying to help my mom do some stuff for church for tomorrow so I will say goodnight

  3. as far as I can tell its snake oil salesman trying to make a quick buck

    if the US government wont even use it on soldiers it has to be toxic!!

    see the medical section

    prostate cancer is as serious as any out there dont be snowballed by the snake oil sellers

    please read this article!!!

    good luck  and good health to your family

  4. I usually believe when products claim to cure everything but I took zeolite for 3 months and didn't feel even slightly different. That dosn't necessarily mean it is no good but I suspect it isn't much good. Of those I know who took it I also never heard of any good results.

  5. Sorry to hear about your family member. Check out this video:

    I'm not going to say Monavie is going to cure cancer or anything else, but there is nothing else on earth that is more healthy. And if it gives your body what it needs to strengthen your immune system, I can't rule out that it wouldn't indirectly help with disease prevention and/or fighting.

    Here is where you can find more info:

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