
Has anyone had any side effects from Mirena?

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Well I am not wanting something that will cause me to gain weight. And what if you smoke? Could there be possible blood clots like the birth control pill?

What about headaches, or cramping...just wanting your take on it.




  1. I've had the Mirena IUD for 6 years. I am accually on my second one. the only side effect I have encountered is no period, that's it. I don't really feel like it is a side effect as much as a benefit.  I will say it is a little painful when they put it in.  Other than that I reccomend it highly

  2. I have had two Mirena's. The 1st 5 yrs I had no side effects. The 2nd one was inserted after the 1st one expired. Within 10 months I began having acne, back pain, nausea, and gained 30 pounds with  no diet and exercise change. I had it removed 6/19/08 and have lost 15 pounds, got rid of the acne and back pain. I am now on the pill

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