
Has anyone had any success with Dr. Day's (M.D.) raw foods diet?

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it looks promising, I've read up a lot on the effects of diet on the human body and mind and spirit.

please only positive feedback, if you're a closed-minded pessimist, don't bother responding.

thank you so much!




  1. I didn't follow Dr. Day's specific regimen, but after a year on a raw food diet, including fresh juices and copious amounts of spring water, my allergies were gone, my migraines were gone, and my eyesight improved to the point that I no longer needed glasses.

    I also had struggled with depression for years, and thankfully, that is now gone as well.  Most people who embrace a raw food diet are absolutely shocked by how much energy they have.  I was always one of those people who couldn't speak until after that first cup of coffee.  Now, when I wake up, I'm instantly awake.

    I've been raw for two years now, and it is the best decision I ever made.

  2. if you are above the 49 th parallel then I don't recommend it.

    If you live in a place where you have access all year round to fresh fruits and veggies that are in season then go ahead.

    However, we in Canada don't really do very well with the raw food diet especially in winter, the body needs heat and raw foods tend to be cold.

    Hope this helps!

  3. I mix the following in a Vitamix:  

    Almond milk, bananas, macadamia nuts and dates.  

    It is refreshing.

  4. Dr Day may have some good points.  But you have to understand that she is also a certified wingnut.   Yes yes  MDs are not beyond being wingnuts too.  .  

    So like I said you may get some good advice on being healtheir from her.  But take her "cancer cure" stuff with a grain of salt.

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