
Has anyone had anything similar: eating problem...?

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im hungry like every 2 hours and whenever i eat i feel sick afterwards. no its not cause i eat too fast whatever cause i know what that feels like; or because i eat too much cause it happens even if i just eat like half a sandwich or something.

oh and occasionally i get a really bad stabbing pain in my right side, like its the most painful thing ive ever experienced which lasts like 2 hours each time.

btw, im not fat; i dont seem to put on any weight, just loose it. UK size 4/6 (:




  1. sounds like a serious problem... do yourself a favour and go and see a doctor.

    good luck : )

  2. I had something similar and it ended up being a food allergy.  Monitor what you eat, cut out things like wheat and dairy and see if it gets better.  If not, go to the doc.

  3. do you have a pet dog or cat? you may have caught worms off them :( I'd go to see your doctor just in case.

  4. depends on what your eating?yo could be allergic to wheat,dairy products,youre craving these foods,yet your body cant tolerate them,see a doctor asap1

  5. ive never heard of something like that, but i suggest going to the doctor and checking it out because im sure the doctor has more knowledge about this than most of the people on yahoo answers.

  6. as always with these things, best to see a doctor

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