I thought it was a one off. I had probs with the reception on sky due to trees. The dish was fitted in winter when there were no leaves on the trees. Anyway after four months, 6 engineers later & a letter to Rupurt Mudoch, whos department sorted the problem out the following day, the dish was finally fitted on the chimmey. Now I have reception. Farther in law was on bt broadband. Switched to sky two months ago. Still can not access his E/Mails. Rang tech support who at first seemed able to deal with the problem. promised to ring back never did. After several more phone calls they have not sorted the problem. Even though BT was dearer my farther in law wishes he had never left BT. The service was alot better. Sky is great if it works first time. IT appears to me if you have any probs or issues Sky does not deliever.