
Has anyone had brownish discharge before they had missed a period then found out they were pregnant?

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Did everything with the baby turn out ok.

Am worried as this is now my story...





  1. thats normal, they call it spotting, its when the egg implants itself to your uterus

  2. Yep, its called spotting and it is completely normal, you will be ok!

  3. No I didn't have this, but this happens with some women and is completely normal. Take this up with your doctor at your first appointment, and congratulations on being pregnant. Just stop worrying, I'm sure everything is perfectly fine. Good luck!

  4. Some women get a little bleeding or spotting after "implantation" (when the egg attaches to the lining of the womb) so it's not unheard of.

    Definitely mention it to your doctor if you're concerned, you'll be seeing a lot of doctors and midwives in the future anyway so plenty of chance!

    Good luck & congratulations!!

    P.S. Have a look at this website for more info on bleeding in early pregnancy, why it happens, etc:

  5. Yes with my other 4 pregnancies i had the spotting at the time my period was due. But with this one my spotting didnt show up till a couple wks after my period was due. Once your period is late and the spotting has stopped i would take a test if i was you. If the test is neg wait a few wks then take another. Yes the baby will be fine, the spotting is implantation bleeding. Very normal Good Luck

  6. It is normal, do not worry, it is called implantation bleeding, if you are still worried about it, talk to your doctor, but you do not need to worry. Good Luck.

  7. That is normal it is just implantation bleeding when the baby attaches to the wall of your uterus!  Very normal! Good luck!!

  8. I had a discharge before my missed period but I would not call it "brownish". it was like a red and the dr. called it "break through bleeding. "

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