
Has anyone had chronic leg pain due to disc problems?

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The pain is in the outside part of my right calf. I have had shots, spinal decompression treatments and steroid pills. Does anyone have anymore ideas for me before I consider surgery?




  1. Well Lizzy, I woke up right now. It's 3am Florida time and I wonder why I must be the one to suffer and my meds do not do a d**n thing AND people are getting pain med scripts, selling their drugs and I have to suffer. Than people overdose and die and idiots like HARMD try to make life h**l for me. And I get a lousy 30 Hydro's every two weeks that barely touches a thing.

    Yes, my legs hurt, my feet go numb and so do my hand's and it is horrible and d**n , I am not 90 years old.

  2. I had a procedurer done last Nov but I don't remember the medical term for it. My doctor went 'killed" off certain nerves in my lower back, it did seem to help for a few months--the nerves do grow back tho. I need it done again but lost insurance in May so I am having to wait until I am covered by insurance again.

      You might ask your doctor about it, I had awful leg pain in my left leg and this procedure did help ease it some.

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