
Has anyone had ever been in my situation. If yes tell me what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I don't talk to anyone and confused in making a small decision school and just thinking about my past most of the time.In home talk to every one dont have any friend just thinking all the time.teachers say me worse or some thing i confused to give any respose most of time I didn't respond If I even respond my volume cannot be hearable or low confidency. even any one who say me wrong I didn't respond on him.




  1. it is a little hard to differentiate without more information.  

  2. You need to ask for some additional help and work harder in school. You cannot just think about your problems, you need to get working on them. Try to find a tutor that can help you so you are able to communicate better. Don't give up as life can be a lot easier if you pay attention and try to do your best.

  3. talk to someone u might have a chance in liking  

  4. You probably dont have any physical problem, but have to train your mind. Try talking to a professional counseller. Practise Yoga, meditation.

    You have to initiate the first step to get out of this. Keep aside all your problems and start talking to your schoolmates. If you cannot do it right away volunteer for some team activities or team sports. Team work will help a lot boost your confidence and also you can make some good friends. Even if you fail as a team member, dont give up. Keep practising this for a year or so and eventually, you'll see yourself as an outgoing and confident person.

  5. something is wrong with u man idk haha

  6. It sounds as if you may be overwhelmed by your emotions or by something that's happened to you, or both.  Maybe you spend too much time thinking, which could get anyone into a funk.  Try to get outside of yourself.  Get outside and go for a long walk.  Play with your pet.  Read a book.  Join a group - it can be online.  Just try to change your routine, and speaking to a counselor or therapist isn't a bad idea either.  A trusted friend or family member would be great.  Sometimes when you hear yourself say what's on your mind, you can make the necessary adjustments.

    Know that it's chemistry.  No more - no less.  Best of luck - I'm on your side.

  7. I know how you feel...I was the same at one point.Seems like something in the past traumatised you!? Or sometimes, we see a picture of what we want our life to be ends up going in a different situation and... we loose hope.

    Life is so unpredictable...we sometimes don't understand why we have hard times and go through tuff peroids...but I can assure you, whatever is going on now (or happened in the past) is to make you stronger and better for the future.

    You are at that stage in life where your confidence and identity is being formed and it's normal for you to second guess yourself. You need to build your self confidence...and that is a big challenge...heck even some mature adults haven't achieved that in life.

    The best advice I can give you is to recognise what you are good in (and don't say you're not good in anything....we all have something we are good in!!) Maybe it's painting/drawing/writting poems/writting/music rap/songs/sports...whatever!! But I'm sure you have something that makes you different than others!! When you've identified those things, DO THEM!! It will make you feel good!

    Second of all, don't listen to what others might say that brings you down (that again is easier said than done ...) But what do others really know? What makes them expert judges on YOUR life? YOU AND ONLY YOU KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS!! Why let what others think of you affect you!? If they were to say you are green with purple dots, would you believe them!? Of course not!! Cause you know you aren't that color...So why believe them when they say negative things about you!?

    Go see a counselor or a social worker and tell them what botters you. There are classes to help you build up your self-esteem ( I know, I took some and now share my knowledge with others!) There are also classes to help you talk in public/ in front of others...

    I think you are perfectly normal. You are an introvert and that is OK!!

    There are people that are extrovert : they have lots of "close, personnal" friends and will chat with complete strangers. Their stimulations are external so, they talk alot, think quickly and act quickly too...

    Introvert persons only consider friendships when they are deep connections. They have few friends but they feel secure to talk and confide in them and they form lasting relationships. They use their minds to evaluate every situations in life before taking an action. They usually draw blanks when they are put under pressure or on the spot....(just like you mentionned about yourself.)

    These are only a few of the caracteritics of introvert/extrovert poeple. You can read up more on these subject through the web sites I give you at the end and the book tittles I'll write for you.

    Good luck, and don't worry, you're perfectly normal!!;)

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