
Has anyone had experience using the Motley Fool?

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I'm thinking about subscribing and using their advice. Anyway, I am worth approx: $150,000 (insurance settlement) after being hurt (as in learning to ambulate i.e. walk again following an accident at the hands of a drunk driver. As a result, my working at a gym has been nixed. Any help on the matter from those who have used the service would be appreciated. Either way, I need to make money to sustain myself. Thank you.




  1. Motley Fool is just an investing information site... You should definitely join. I've been receiving info from them for years

  2. Here's an answer you are not expecting.  I suggest you consider two possible investments: investing some money in NRF, which is currently paying about 17%.  Also, lending some money thru  Check them both out.  But, be very careful with your money.  These are not good times.  Good luck.

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