
Has anyone had experience with pre term contractions and bedrest? ?

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if so how far did you make it before you delivered and how did you go into labor... dilation..water broke...etc? any information will be helpful.. i have been on bedrest since 26 weeks..they said i probably wouldnt make it past 34 weeks..tomarrow i will be 34 weeks... last wweek i was starting to thin out this week i have had menstrual cramping and the feeling like i have to go number 2 really bad along with my contractions. I keep thinking everytime i have to pee that my water is going to break!




  1. I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks with my daughter. They stopped it with medication and she was 1 day over due  and I had to be induced because my blood pressure got too high.  If you are having contractions go to the hospital they have medications to stop your labor.

  2. i went into preterm contractions twice..once stopped with meds and once stopped on its own..and now they wont come back :( lol

  3. I think its something that you just have to put up with. Hopefully all goes well with you and the birth of your baby. I think if you are really concerned, then you have every right to go to the hospital or your doctor and get checked out. It doesn't hurt ever and will ease your mind.  

  4. Everyone has a different answer to this.  I just gave birth to triplets a few weeks ago.  My water broke 5:30AM on a Wednesday.  I woke up, and my first thought was, "I need to go to the bathroom."  My second thought was, "I am either peeing myself, or else my water just broke." I didn't feel contractions until several hours later, and the doctors were able to stop them and give me steroid shots.  After a few days, they told me they thought I could go to 32 weeks, possibly 35, on complete hospital bedrest.  And yet, the boys were delivered that Sunday night - my body had decided it was time, whether the docs were ready or not.  That was at 29 weeks.  On the other hand, there was another mother of triplets on the same floor, and she had been on hospital bedrest since 18 weeks, and I believe she had just hit 32 weeks...  And by hospital bedrest, I mean the whole nine yards - no shower, no bathroom, bedpan only.  On this pregnancy, when I hit active labor, I felt the continue need to pee and/or p**p, and the day before I had the menstrual cramping along with some blood clots (that was Saturday).  A few years ago, with my daughter, I had none of that.

    Honestly, at 34 weeks, I suspect that your child will do fine.  Many doctors consider 24 weeks "viable" and 36-40 weeks "full-term".  I wouldn't worry about it, and if you give birth tomorrow, be thankful for the beautiful child you are having.

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