
Has anyone had experience with those car air freshners the convience stores sell?

by  |  earlier

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The air freshners have a little cotton, cloth like tip at the end, and sometimes people want to get rid of the liquid content inside.

when my friend did this he splashed it out and it hit lower right leg and suffered 3rd degree burns. The hospital personnel pulled out the strangest looking pus (it was glowing gold)! The nurses have never seen anything like itl He was in excruitiating pain and the wound is not healing properly.

What if a child was to make this same mistake? I'd like some feedback on any information about these so called airfreshners. We'd like to know what we are dealing with. Thank you!




  1. i have never heard of this....

    but i dont let my son play with things like that, especially if there is a liquid inside of it...

  2. Most people using those car fresheners are using them for (Beeep), your friend needs to get tested for cellulitius, it goes with the teritory.  His wounds will heal slower and be very susceptable to infection while he is on that.

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