
Has anyone had experiences with the paranormal?

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any pics of Ghosts

Spirits or voices ? Please let me know thanks




  1. i personally have not had any paranormal experiances, but if you really want lots of storys about it, and info on haunted places, a great site to go to is unexplained research.

  2. I've waken up a couple times in mid-air... I thought the first time maybe I had just jumped somehow before I woke, but the second time I fell from the ceiling to my bed, I can't explain it and I'll never forget it.

  3. Hmmm, my Dad told me that when he was six or seven years old the night his god mother died he say's he saw her at the foot of his bed just watching him. He was really scared and just hid the blankets all night until the next morning. But hey he was Six or Seven who know's what it really was? Still, he trully thinks he saw a ghost.

  4. I have had experiences that I cannot explain. It is true that we are surrounded by unseen forces. Some of them are known and can be measured. other we have yet to fully understand.


  5. No one believes me, but once I was in my room, falling asleep, and just when I was almost asleep, something started pulling on my covers! Oh, and something always pulls on my hair when it's early in the morning or late at night!

  6. I have seen a glass move by itself while playing the Ouija board. I have witnessed a glass of water explode on the table into little pieces while having dinner at my in-law's haunted apartment. I have witnessed a crucifix pop off from its chain necklace 6 ft. away without the chain breaking. I have witnessed the exorcism of my wife....its up to you to believe since you asked but I saw all these. Just email for questions.

  7. i've had de ja vu but that's as close as I've ever become. Oh and when ever I drive by somewhere i get a funny feeling about that place and then a week later you'll hear about a dead body being found their.

  8. Just tonight I was babysittin and someone tapped my sholder, I turned around and no one was there... and one of the children I was babysitting diddent want to sleep in his room. and when I asked him why he said there was somthing in his room..... so I think my house is haunted.... gives me the creaps just thinking about it......

  9. yeah i was in my room and i ghost that looked like a drag queen hovered over my bed.

    i think it was real or i was on acid


  10. I have never experienced anything that required a paranormal explanation.

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