
Has anyone had health problems using artificial sweeteners?

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I've read lots online about problems people can have using artificial sweeteners and I just wondered if anyone had had any heath problems using them? I am trying to give them up but finding it hard going back to sugar!




  1. Nutrasweet had a horrible effect on my kids.  I'll never use anything but real, natural sugar ever again.  When there's a good natural alternative, why would anyone use chemicals to cook?  Better one bite of healthy chocolate cake than the whole thing with poison in it -- no matter how wonderful it tastes.

  2. My husband has been a type 1 diabetic since he was 2 and has used sweet-n-low all his life. He's 35 now and hasn't had any health problems from it so far. I've also used sweet-n-low and splenda since we've been married and I've also not had any problems. Now granted, this is just our experience so far.

  3. They tend to give me digestive problems.

  4. i use splenda granulated, drink diet coke(aspartame), flavored water made with splenda and other sugar free things made with splenda....for a few months and im suffering no side effects, my mom keeps telling me how bad they are and chemicals and blah blah blah....but as for now im going to keep using it. i think possibly after longggggg term use you can see side effects..

  5. Dump em! Dreadful poison pills my friend calls them. If you read about aspertemine its scary the effects they can have.

    Having said that, I can't give them up either!

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