
Has anyone had kids and breastfed and yet still looking great? (not supermodel great, at least mommy great)?

by  |  earlier

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Convince me with a picture or something, I'm desperately in need of motivation.

My man keeps telling me how ugly I am.

I need some inspiration from other moms out there that they still look great and attractive as moms. Please help.




  1. well dont u listen to him. of course u can look great. do your hair and make up everyday, wear some cut clothes, fnd time for ur self, eat healthy and get some exsercise u will start 2 feel better about ur self and look great as a mommy too. do it for u

  2. First of all, your man is a d**k and needs to understand that you just gave birth. Your body will never be the same as it was before kids, I am not sure what your looking for picture wise. Your b***s will sag you cant do anything about it unless you get a lift or implants. The rest of your body is up to you. After you feel up to it, go to the gym and know that you can get your pre baby body back to normal! Good luck, I am sure that you look great and your man is just unable to understand what it was that your baby has just gone through!  

  3. I'm guessing he most likely behaved this way prior to your pregnancy and he's not doing it b/c of the reasons you think (baby, breastfeeding, etc).  Either way, you don't need to put yourself in a situation where you are being insulted.  I know there are always two sides to every story but if what you've stated is true, he sounds like a real jerk.

    A lot of new moms don't feel great about themselves right away but you will eventually, that is, unless you stay w/ this guy.

  4. if he says that to you then kick him out!  

  5. Your man is an idiot. Don't put up with that kind of c**p from anyone.

    I'm breastfeeding now, and because of that, I'm able to eat a lot and still lose the pregnancy weight. However, don't let your looks define you. You're a mommy now, and you need to project a positive body image (including healthy eating habits, and self acceptance) for your little one.

    Good luck!

  6. You aren't the problem; your boyfriend/husband is the problem.

  7. I am breastfeeding and i look great, i'm still over my normal weight but i look pretty darn good..

    I think you need to put some make up & nice outfit on every day, even when you're not going out, fix yourself as if you were.

    God Bless

    Ps. Your man is a real Jerk

  8. While asking people for pictures is kind of weird, my question to you is, why are you putting up with "your man" telling you how ugly you are. If you are pregnant or have just had a baby, your body is not going to spring back overnight. I've had and nursed two babies and my body is just as it was before baby #1, if not better than it was. Your boyfriend or husband needs a serious lesson in how to treat you. He shouldn't be telling you that you're ugly. Maybe he's not so great either.

  9. hi, i breastfed for 3 months and it took a h**l of a lot out of me, i was constantly drained and felt **** so i stopped and began bottlefeeding instead, i was always a B cup but i went up a cup size and am now a C but like an empty flat C, they dont look pretty out of a bra at all. but push up bras i find fabulous........ ru ok?????????

  10. What you need to do is get rid of your man!  Seriously.

  11. WHAT??  You have his child and he talks to you like that?!?!  I'm sure he's not perfect himself....  nobody is.  Mothers are beautiful no matter what.  Go get your hair done, pedicure & manicure and do some shopping.  Don't ever let anybody tell you you don't look great.  I have a 7 month old and despite the little extra tummy she left me, I'm beautiful and nobody can take that away from me!  

  12. i look great and i bet u do too, as for your fella, hmmmm i think he needs to appreciate what he has x x

  13. Oh god I breastfed for a bit and still look fine!  No wonder you are feeling rubbish if your partner keeps telling you you are!  When you are breastfeeding you are bound not to feel your best.  I felt like a milking cow most of the time and hated it but when you have stopped then you start feeling better.  Keep fit, keep healthy and ignore your partner!

  14. I breast fed 3 babies until they were 9 months old now after 33 years of last doing it I still have the same slim figure the same as when I was 18, and not a sag in sight. So yes kick the ugly foul mouthed git out and get respect and gain your confidence from someone who deserves you.

  15. That would be me. See my avi... and your so-called man doesn't deserve you!

  16. my sister has two babies, one will be 2 in sept and the other one will be 1 in november, she breast fed both of them, the younger one she is still breast feeding and because of the breast feeding she lost all her weight right away and i think she looks wonderful!!!! she also works to. if your man is telling you your ugly, get rid of him. no matter how you look your S.O. should not be telling you your ugly! that is just wrong what an A**!

  17. Omg what a an a** i would slap him if i was u lol...girl u need an makeover go to the Salon and get a new haircut or maybe even hghlight or just simply dress up.. i have a 1 year old that drives me coco sometimes lol but im a girl and i love too dress up and put make upon thats what girls do and my husband loves it :)

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