
Has anyone had lap band surgery?

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Is it working for you and if not what methods have you taken to get it to work?




  1. my mom was going to have it done but its hard! you have to really control what you eat if you. I mean you can still eat the same stuff but you have to eat it differently you have to chew the food 30 times so that its a liquid and so that way its easy to loose the wieght! I wish you luck if you do get it!

  2. My best friend opt'd to have the full gastric bypass surgery because she stated that her dr said that there were less post op complications. She had hers done last Jan. and has lost over 100 lbs. She looks good and feels great, but she has a lot of loose skin. She said she was not prepared for that. She said the gastric bypass surgery was paid by her insurance, but the removal of all of the loose skin was not and that it would cost about $25,000. So she can not afford the second surgery.

  3. I had lap band 4-16-08 and I am down 45 pounds and lots of inches and down from a 26-28 size to 22 and that is great for me.  I go to water aerobics 3-4 times a week (I have two replaced knees and a metal rod and screws in my back) My orthopedic doctor told me that water aerobics was the best exercise for me.  I do follow the diet. I go to the support groups and it is a program.  You have to follow the doctor's diet plan for you.  It is not easy and it is hard work. What diet program is not?  My family knows about the surgery and some of my friends but not all because like another answerer said some will tell you all you have to do is quit bending your elbow.  I have medical problems that is control by medications and those medications put weight on me and I couldn't get it off.  I was on insulin 4 times a day and now I am back on oral medications and my doctor told me that might not be much longer and my blood pressure medications was cut in half.  This has been a good surgery for me based on a lot of test and doctors input.  I was going to have gastric bypass but couldn't get the clearance from my cardiologist, he said the lap band was the safest for me.

  4. Lap band and gastric bypass work on the same principle.  While lap band is reversible the after surgery requirements for eating are pretty much the same.

    I know quite a few people who had both of the surgeries and the hard part is the change of eating habits that is required.  No bread, soda or the use of straws.

    There is an interesting story below.

  5. I had the surgery done in March of 2008.  I lost about 20 lbs pre-surgery with recommended Optifast products, and so far, almost 40 lbs post surgery.  It is definitely not the answer to everything, although, when you have frequent adjustments, it is an important aid to weight loss.

    The simple fact is that I also need counseling to help overcome my old habits that the surgery does not teach you.  It is very easy to go back to your "old ways" if you are an emotional eater like I am.  I can easily find myself in an unconcious moment eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 11pm and have done so on a couple of occasions.

    Portion control and calorie counting always gets me back on track.  I still use Optifast products and I love the "Lean Cuisine" diet as well.

    There are many lapband and gastric bypass patients who have gained back their weight (and more) because of this reason.  Make sure you go to support group meetings and meet with a nutritionist at the doctor's office.  Whenever I visit my surgeon's office I always have a new and fresh outlook and feel great again.

    The lapband surgery is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I plan on reaching a 60 lb. weight loss goal by the end of the weekend.  i have gone down about two sizes and my psychologist tells me that I look like a "small person" now!

    I have at least another 40-50 to go, but the positive comments from friends, family and co-workers reinforces the fact that I believe I made the right choice when I decided to have this surgery.  By the way, another piece of advice I would give to a future patient is to not tell anyone except close friends and family about your decision.  No one at work knows or needs to know about my surgery and I will keep it that way.  I've heard stories where patients have said certain family or friends/co-workers would become jealous of the weight loss and bemoan the fact that the patient took "the easy way out" when they had this surgery.  I find that pathetic, but there are many pathetic people in our weight obsessed world.  I will not join that grouping.  Good luck to you!

  6. My mother in law had it and she is healthy and loosing weight. She don't excersize much because she has a knee problem and she is still loosing weight. but you have to stick to your diet that the dr. puts you on and it will work.

  7. It is a surgical intervention for a psychological problem.  When you have it you cant have more that two tablespoons of liquid at a time.  When you do start to eat solid food, which is a long time later, the amount obviously isn't very big.   People who are overweight usually consume tons of calories, etc., right?  So think about one day eating a Whopper and the next day after surgery never eating normally again.  It's a drastic measure.  You have to be truly motivated

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