
Has anyone had paranormal phenomena experiences ,care to share?

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i have had some freeky things happen that cant be explained or excused.




  1. Once I was home alone, playing piano. Then, on my right I  saw this see-through yellowy robe-covered thing. I still don't know if it was just an illusion or an apparition.

      But since I was scared, it was probably my brain making it up. It lasted until my parents got home.

  2. what freaky things have you had happen?

    things like that are always scary

  3. yes but it was an experiment ,trying to gather evidence,any way here is it:We are collecting science experiments that yield results of which not many people are aware.

    Note: no animals were harmed in any of the experiments that did not involve animals

    Crickets Hear With Their Legs?

    the purpose of this experiment is wasto determine whether crickets hear with the same organs they use to speak.

    Hypothesis=We expect that crickets hear sounds with the same organs they use to produce sounds, generally thought to be the legs.

    Equipment=One cricket.One pair of tweezers. One pair of small scissors

    Procedure  =We placed the cricket on the table, and made certain he was able to hear by clapping our hands and observing that he jumped at the sound.

    Next we removed the legs of the cricket using the tweezers and scissors.

    Again we clapped our hands to see if he could still hear.

    Observations=The cricket could hear fine at first, and jumped when we clapped.

    After removing his legs, he appeared to become deaf, and would no longer jump when we clapped.

    Conclusions=The hypothesis was confirmed.

    Crickets hear with their legs

  4. i had one in my bed i was a wake and i couldn,t get up it felt like some one was pushing me down and i felt paralysed so that,s my stongest exserance when i was 11 i have a vishion of an angle she was blond and blue eyes  with a blue dress no she didn,t have wings. but my mother told me when i was a kid i use to see ghost she to is gifted more then me i have 4 gifts. future event dreamer. visions  and i strongly feel ghost around me they visit me sometimes. i like the movie sixth sents that,s why i rote down the saying but my mother told me i was able to see them now i can only feel them a round me i,m glad i,m not the only one with the gift.

  5. i lived in a haunted house from age 6 to 11.  when we moved in the previous owners told my parents that there were spirits present and a psychic had said their names were marie and john.   they scared the bajesus out of me for years by walking aroudn my room.  it would either be the sound of boots or heels and it would stop whenever i opened my eyes.  it would go on for either less than a minute all the way up to an hour.

    i saw john when i was 7, he was standing over my baby brother's crib.  i didn't feel scared at all, it's like i knew i was looking at a ghost but i had nothign to be afraid of.  he was kind of fuzzy, not real crisp details but i could tell he had on jeans and a flannel shirt with some sort of hat.  he was standing with his arms spread out over the crib. he's the only spirit i've ever seen.  

    oh, a weird thing about john, he apparently liked to smoke cigars b/c out of nowhere the housre woujld stink of cigar smoke.  my mom just openly asked him out loud to please smoke in the basement.  dude the next day the basement smelt like cigar smoke!  he only 'smoked' a few times...

    my mom saw black clouds on two occasions go through the living room and up the stairs.  i normally wouldn't believe her b/c she's an alcoholic, but the dog was barking at it and going nuts, so i believe.

    one time my brother and i were playing with toys on the top bunk of a bunk bed in his room.  for some reason the spirits liked to turn his door k**b a lot and open and close the door, not slamming it but just opening and closing like normal.  anywaysw  we were just sitting there and a small rock whizzed between our heads and hit the wall the bunk bed was against, kind of freaked us out a bit.

    i've got tons of stories but the SCARIEST thing was when i was 10 years old.  i was sleeping, laying on my stomach.  whenever i roll over i always wake up a bit, roll over and go back to sleep, it's just the way that i am.  so i start to wake up a bit to roll over, and all of a sudden i fall.  i'm like half asleep, and i kind of think jeez, i'm kind of old to be falling off the bed.  and then i woke up more and was like woah, i didn't fall off the bed because i heard springs bouncign.  i open my eyes and i'm lying on my freaking bed with the bed made perfefctly all tucked in underneath me w/ no blankets on top of me!!  i never made my bed, i swear to freaking god i was levitated.  i was pretty shook up after that.

    btw for all the die hard spirit fans the house was rebuilt after a fire in cambria, ny in 1811.  we know that a judge (i forget his name, should ask my parents) used to live there in teh 1800's.  i actually heard a mans voice yelling 'guilty, guilty, guilty' one morning when i had just woken up when i was 9 yrs old.  what's weird is that the vast majority of spirit activity sort of stopped all of a sudden in 1994-1995 when i was like 10-11.  nobody really heard anything again, the levels of activity dropped.  it would be neat to know why...

  6. "Paranormal" things happen to me at least once a week, if not more often. I have met ghosts (there were two of them, and they were very friendly). I have been attacked by various bad entities, including demons that tried to kill me for two years in a row. But they can't hurt anyone unless the person thinks they can or is afraid of them, so I was fine. I have met a lot of very strange beings, some of which just sort of wandered into my house for no reason (a few because they were lost). As I speak, there is a spirit in cat form walking around my house somewhere. It has been here for several weeks now, and it's benevolent so I haven't bothered it, but we did have a few short conversations.

    I do manage to explain all of my experiences, but I draw on my own experience and knowledge, not just science. But I have always concluded that it is not some unlikely trick of the light or a mental disorder. It's real, but because it is real, I can try to understand it. I live for that.

  7. i was home alomeabout 10yrs old on the computer it was about midnight really dark out and i was on some game website and i herd somthing in my parents roo mand there it was the 6'0 ft apprition (sorry bad speller) light red glow coming from it i was so scared i ran to my neiboiors house screaming like a little girl because it started to move forward towards me! SCARY

    also i have worked with psi balls before trying to contact the dead...... YA IT WORKED!!!!

  8. I've been psychic as long as I can remember, and this sort of thing is normal for me.  Sometimes I see just lights, like a camera flash going off, sometimes I see shadowy shapes (some in black, some in colors), and sometimes I'd swear there was someone actually there (a human form that's easy to identify).  And it's not limited to people - lately we've had animal spirits in the house - I keep seeing a small dark cat running by, and all our cats are light colored.  The dog senses it too, because he'll try and follow it.  It's actually pretty funny when he stops all of a sudden with that "wha?!"  look on his face!

    Does it scare me?  No, not at all.  I figure if they wanted to hurt me, they'd have done it already.

    And don't get me started on photos!  ;-)

  9. Yes, lots of them. One of the scariest was when I was downstairs watching TV. I was about 15. It was kind of late at night, maybe midnight. I was sitting on the floor in my parents' house alone. I had nobody with me, no brothers or sisters and my parents were fast asleep upstairs.

    I was sitting there and I felt a VERY distinct tap on my shoulder. It tapped about... oh... 7 times in a row, very hard, like someone urgently wanted me and was poking me with their finger. I thought it was my mother because my mother would do this ALL the time, she'd come downstairs and tell me to go to bed, that I was up too late and the TV was too loud.

    But,  anyway, I said (without turning around), "Mom, go away!" I was actually very annoyed because I thought my mom was bugging me again. I waited a second for an answer and when I didnt' hear anything, I said, "Mom?!" I turn around and no one was there. I thought maybe she gave up and went upstairs (even though she would have had to run to go upstairs that quickly)  so I go upstairs looking for my mom. I go in her bedroom and she and my dad are FAST asleep in bed. Like SOUND asleep. I started screaming and my parents rushed in to calm me. I was freaking out because I knew SOMEBODY poked me on the shoulder. It was unmistakable.

    I made them check the house for intruders and all kinds of things. I was a wreck that night, scared to death. Never did find out what it was. I swear, it must have been SOMETHING paranormal.

  10. I haven't really had an experience with the paranormal... but my mom has. When she was younger she came home late one night. And as she passed her parent's living room to their bedroom to tell her mom that she was home she noticed an apparition standing there. It was her grandma that died a while before (when my mom was 9/10). Her Grandma kept saying that she had a message for my mom to pass on to the family. So my mom quickly ran to her mom's room to try to wake her but she wouldn't wake up. (she was alive cus my mom remembers her snoring... but she just didn't wake up). So after my mom gave that up she went up to her room thinking that it was just fatigue. when she got into bed there was her grandma again saying the same thing... that she had a message for my mom to pass on... my mom's uncle was dying. my mom quickly pulled the cover over her head and fell asleep telling herself that it's all just a dream. about 2 hours later my aunt wakes my mom up saying that their uncle just died about 1hr 45 minutes before.

  11. Some of my postings here reveal that I research the paranormal but it was the experiences that I could not explain away that got me started. I think everyone who has felt they had something paranormal happen to them are a bit scared at first. rather it be like a spirit of a family member or whatever because in their mind they know this person is dead and we have been programed that there is no such thing as the boogieman. and things like this are not real. So most of us were born with a skeptic outlook and when we see something that isn't suppose to be it bothers us many times we think we are losing it. We are at a constant stuggle with unbelievers and many will not come forward out of fear the so called skeptics of the world will tell them how crazy it is.

    I have found that most paranormal activity are not so much like the hollywood build up and they happen rather quick but normally happen often.

    sharing - I watched on the news several years back where an apartment building was on fire and the news team showed up to film them putting it out and saving the people trapped inside. I believe it was someplace in New York. any way they showed a woman about 7 stories up about to leap out of the window to escape the flames. the cameraman had it all on tape you can hear the screams from the people below not to jump as she threw herself out you could see her fallen and a gasp from the people as she just vanished. later the news found that the woman who was seen on tape never even made it out of her bed that which they had catured on tape was some how misplaced and later found was destroyed by the skeptic cameraman.

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