
Has anyone had skin cancer while pregnant or known somebody who did?

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I am 13 weeks pregnant and just got the test results back from a mole I had removed from my stomach---it shows early cancer. I am seeing the doctor on Monday, but am of course freaking out a bit in the meantime. Anybody have any information? Thanks.




  1. Yes. I am 8 weeks pregnant.I had melanomia skin cancer removed about 3 weeks ago. I had to have surgery to get the rest of it out. It was on the lower part of my right leg. What type of skin cancer do you have? It's great that your's is just in an early stage. I wouldn't worry too much. Since you caught it early I would say you won't have to have any other treatment. Thank god they could remove mine. Good Luck.

  2. I had a skin cancer - Melanoma - two years ago. Just like you a mole turned out to be skin cancer that already managed to have quite a depth. I was not pregnant though - but as for my experience I don't think that it makes any difference at 13 weeks as you are. Getting it removed is only a local anesthesia- right where they cut the mole out. In my case it was a two inch diameter and they stitched it. They send whatever they cut out to  the lab to see that the margins are cancer clear. That was my case - and I haven't had problems ever since. I now go every 8 - 10  month to the dermatology and check my whole body to make sure nothing else shows up.

    I know, you particularly are nervous because you are pregnant - I just wanted to at least let you know what to expect and it is done very quickly and painless... And again - I would not be to nervous about being pregnant.

    All the best to you,

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