
Has anyone had success losing weight on a low carb diet?

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Has anyone had success losing weight on a low carb diet?




  1. I 'd say a low carb diet is effective. I don't really  stick to any diet plan..  I eat what I like in moderation...I just watch what I eat, and I avoid eating too many carbs and this works for me.. I don't eat any choc.. just maybe a little every 2 weeks and I don't put sugar in my tea or coffee only once as a month as a have to know your limit and when to say NO, NOT ANOTHER BITE YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH.. I also think no matter how healthy you eat it doesn't make a difference unless you exercise.. also weigh yourself everyday... people ofter loose track because they don't weigh them selves and don't have target for an average weight for them selves. Hope this is useful, I am no expert just telling you what works for me :) Oh, and I also herd that sometimes the body thinks it's hungry when really it just is thirsty, so drink loads of water... I also heard that your body only registers when it's fall 20 mins after you are actually full so try to think about that when you put your portions...  

  2. Yes.  I had success on Suzanne Somer's "Somersizing" program.  But I gained the weight back quickly.  Their overall premise is "never mix your carbs and protein."  That's the beginning of the program, anyway.  Later on, you're allowed to mix carbs in some more.  And it really made me tired, because I didn't have carbs to give me energy.  

    Beware of any program that requires you eat in an unnatural way.

    I think there is SOME benefit to the overall premise, though.  The Somersizing program is based on how people in France eat.  They typically don't mix proteins and carbs... which is why they can eat such rich foods and not be overweight.  I'd be interested in looking into the typical French diet, as opposed to some Americanization of it to make money.

  3. i lost 20kgs in 8 weeks. no exercise

    it definitely works just is hard to resist bread and potatoes

  4. I've know alot of people that have lost alot of weight on those low carb diets. You have to have lots of will power and it can make you gassy. But once you've kept with for a few weeks it supposedly gets easier & better. My dad lost a ton of weight on that Atkins diet. I've read alot of articles giving Atkins diet very high ratings.

  5. Low-carb diets may work for a while, but unless you keep up the unhealthy style of eating high-fat meats, the weight will come back. It's better to eat healthy carbs and whole grains, and less fat and sugar and salt as well, than just cut out one portion of your diet. Remember that grains are the foundation of the food pyramid..

  6. If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy.

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