
Has anyone had success with Earplanes air pressure ear plugs???

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My Mom had terrible problems last time she flew with her ears, so I got her "Earplanes" which claim to reduce air pressure while flying. I've READ all about them but want to hear from someone who has personally had success using them.




  1. I have not had good luck with Earplanes. I do find that sudafed helps quite a bit as the previous poster mentioned. I start taking it 24 hours before a flight and that seems to do the trick.

  2. My husband has excruciating pain when we take off and land.  He has been using Earplanes for years now and it has helped immensely.  Our last trip in February, he also took an antihistamine (I think it was Sudafed) as well, and it helped even more.

    My sister and her husband always use Earplanes.  They would never fly without them!

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