
Has anyone had success with acupuncture for allergies/asthma?

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I am thinking of starting acupuncture for my environmental allergies (pet dander, pollen, dust) and asthma. Has anyone had success with this? I would to love to hear someone's personal experience with it. Thanks!




  1. Before trying anything, please go through this book.

    It is really good.

  2. Because my pony has allergies I work on him with acupressure (I'm not a vet so use of needles is prohibited), and I use similar diagnostic principles as acupuncurists.  It has made a huge difference to his life and, although it hasn't cured him, he is so much happier now and willing to do things whereas three years ago, before I trained to become a practitioner for horses, he would spend the whole of the summer in his stable and damage himself badly by scratching frantically. Several vets had tried to help him but to no avail.

    He is a stunningly intuitive pony and learnt very quickly which acupoints he enjoyed the most. His need changes as the seasons change but his main support is through the Spleen and Stomach, Liver and Gallbladder, Bladder and Kidney meridians.

    He has problems coping with pollen, dust and insect bites and I make sure he always has access to a stable if the burden becomes too great, but with this management tool life has become enjoyable for the little chap again and I'm sure it will help you too.  Good luck!

  3. Yes, I have used Acupuncture, with Chinese Herbs (Xin yi San) and use of a Neti Pot to get rid of my own as well as my patients allergies in a short period of time.

  4. Yes. Once, while having an extremely horrible asthma attack, I managed to get into my doctor's office. He told me to go to E.R., immediately. Instead, I went to my accupuncturist, from China, and, within moments, he had me breathing with NO problems! My doctor was upset when he realized I was not in the hospital. He called me at home, and demanded that I come back in to see him, NOW, when I told him I was fine, now. My doctor was totally shocked, and said it was impossible for me to have gone from 'no breath, wheezing, struggling to get any breathing just dandy. This accupuncturist was wonderful for my asthma.

  5. I see a chiropractor that uses an acupressure method, which has helped me quite a bit.

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