
Has anyone had their hair permanently straightened?

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I am thinking about getting my hair permanently straightened i would like to know if anyone else has had it done and if it is worth getting done? i have curly and thick hair.




  1. I had it done like 4 years ago. It looks good for a while, but then the new growth comes in, and you have to keep straghtening that part over and over. And that causes split ends. And you can't really go without straightening the new growth because then you'd have some hair curly and some straight.

    lol. good luck though

  2. yeah totally worth it

  3. ITS SOOO NOT WORTH IT! believe me, i got it done a year ago and is a HUGE waste of time and money. the process is gross and long and you still have to use a hair straightener after it's done anyway.

  4. it really depends who you go to..

    omgsh, my sister went to this one

    place in california to get her hair

    perm. straightened, and it KILLED

    her hair! like, if you touched it,

    it was like stoking a split-end broom.

    it was so bad, she was forced to wear

    a wig. im dead serious!

    i dont think you should take the chance

    like my sister did....

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