
Has anyone had their licence downgraded to provisional by DVLA?

by  |  earlier

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I passed my driving test about 4 years ago. I failed to file the paperwork to upgrade to full licence. I applied for a photo licence recently and I have been downgraded to a provisional licence and told to re-take my driving and theory test again. Is there any way out of this. My driving licence was clean: no offences at all.




  1. you have 2 years after your test to send of your provisional licence and get your full licence.  If you didnt do this its not recognised as you have a full licence so you will have to retake your test again and send of the paperwork this time.

    Mabey you should take a few lessons before you take yor test.

    your theory only lasts 2 years after you take it so you would have to do that aswell



  2. 4 years and you never bothered to upgrade it, next time you won't be so stupid, let this be a lesson learned. sorry it's harsh but it's true.

  3. it does say if you dont upgrade you get a provisional,what a s**t ,sorry.

  4. You're an idiot.

  5. It seems like you've been driving without a valid licence for the last two years, you've only got yourself to blame

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