
Has anyone had these effect/s from Lyrica?

by  |  earlier

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I started taking Lyrica,75mg,but within day's of the Lyrica taking effect I started to experience both distressing and painful side effects not listed.

My lips and tongue went numb.

And I felt as if a billion ants covered in fire were crawling under my skin all at once.It was all over my body,all at once.Not just a single spot then move on to another.

That sensation hurt so much,more than the pain the Lyrica is supposed to cover,that I have now stopped the Lyrica until I see the Doctor on Monday.

Has ANYONE else experienced these or similar side effects?

I know all about the common one's to deadly one's,but I want to know if this has happened to anyone else?

I have a pretty good idea why the 'burning ants' sensation is happenening.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Don't listen to the uneducated idiot above me!

    What a small minded bigot to put everyone who is on this medication in one box.

    If he knew what he was talking about, he would know this medication is also for epileptics as well!

    It is a side effect but not one that is usual.

    Beacause this medication effects the neurons in the brain, they may be sending off the wrong signals to nerve endings in your body.

    I am glad you have stopped. And are seeing your Doctor, who is the best adviser of what to do in this case.

  2. imagine that a fibro pt complaining about the side effects of lyrica. I knew it would not take long. There happens to be no opiates in it is the problem. remember the dx is one of exclusion meaning we aint found anything wrong with you so you must have fibro. By the way all the studies say excercise and NSAIDS are the treatment, but let me guess you get a rash from all NSAIDS right?? YOU NEED AN ADDICTION DOCTOR IS YOUR PROBLEM  

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