
Has anyone had this experience with their child, and what was the outcome?

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My son is almost 11 months old. About a month ago I took him into the doctor with a fever of 102, congestion, runny nose, fatigue; common cold symptoms. so, the doctor said he had a cold...duh, and that for children his age the best thing for him was TLC. SO...that's what we did. We kept him out of daycare for a week and did the humidify-er thing and Tylenol for fever, Vapor bath. Pretty much everything. After another week of having a "cold" and going back to daycare, I got a call from daycare saying he had a fever of 102 and I needed to come get him. SO, back to the doctor. This time he has an ear infection in both ears and and eye infection in both eyes and of course a "cold". So, we got amoxicillin for ears, erythromycin for eyes, dimetapp for congestion and we were sent on our marry way. SO, He was getting better for about a week and then last weekend he developed a fever and all the same symptoms he had in the beginning. So now the doc says, it could possibly be allergies. So, now he is taking Singulair in the morning. Inhaler 4-6 times a day (albuterol) and Zyrtec at night and occasionally tylenol for the fever that keeps popping up. Doc said he might also have allergy induced asthma. SO>>> We have to give him all these meds for a week. IF he gets better then its allergies. IF NOT, then we are at square one. Anyone ever had this problem? What was the outcome?




  1. take your son to hospital, 11months old on all them medicines just to 'see' if theywork sounds like your doctor hasnt a clue!?!?!? HOSPITAL!!!

  2. My son got all of those symptoms every time he was cutting a tooth

  3. get another pedi. Sounds like a quack to me

  4. you sure its just not teething, a fever can be occurant when teeth are developing, and a runny nose could be from the extra fluids building in the gums, and fatigue, well ya, every baby is super sleepy when they teethe. I could be wrong, but if the 'cold' is getting better then coming back again I would think its teething and not anything medically serious.

  5. My son is also 11 months old (Sept 24th). When he was about 6 months old we gave him a l**k of some ice cream and he began to heave and cough really bad and eventually threw it up. That scared us real bad but he seemed to be ok later in the day. At 9 months my wife was weening him and started trying formula. The very first time he tried it he did the exact same thing but again, got better shortly after so we just assumed at that point that he had an allergy to milk. This isn't uncommon for babies. In the past 2 months since, e have made a few trips to the emergency room because he was having a hard time breathing. We hadn't given him any milk so we didn't know what was going on. He got all the breathing treatments, the drugs, just like you described and the doctors said he had asthma. We don't believe it though because his troubles only come if he ingests anything with milk protein. He even had a reaction like this with a goldfish cracker and soy cheese. He can have soy formula and soy yogurt just fine though. Anyway, all of that to say that he has an allergy that brings on those symptoms. I know that most kids outgrow those things as their immune systems strengthen.

    Also, I know that ear infections can take a long time to heal and sometimes they don't heal all the way and flare right back up.

    I'm sorry you have to give him all those drugs, I hated doing that with my son, especially the steroids (anti-inflamatory). Those always seem to effect his mood...

  6. Oh yeah. I've been there. My son had a "cold" (according to his doctor) for over three months. I kept making appointments for him, and calling to let her know that the things she was telling me to do weren't working. I got so fed up that I finally took him to the hospital. They gave me the albuteral inhaler for him and explained that when kids that young have colds, it often sets up in their chest and because they can't cough like we cough - they can't get it out. So it basically just sits there.

    The albuteral is meant to break up what's in their chest. They had said the same thing to me.. that if it clears up, it's just allergies or a chest cold, and if not, then they would do testing for asthma.

    After just a few days of doing the inhaler, he was completely fine, and hasn't been sick again since then.

    I wouldn't be against getting a second opinion. That's more or less the reason I took him to the hospital. I didn't like that his doctor seemed to be brushing it all off, or just randomly prescribing things, and so I went somewhere else, and not only got a different response, but they made him better. =)  

  7. My youngest and my oldest had a cold for two three weeks.  My youngest was diagnosed with bronchitis.  She's had it on and off since birth.  She was put back on her inhalers and they prescribed a cough sryup for her.  They told me the oldest just had a cold and to ride it out.

    A week later she still had the cold and a fever that was very persistant and very high.  I took her back again and again they said it was just a cold.  The following day her fever reached 105 ... I rushed her to the emergancy room where they did a chest xray and took a urine sample.  She had pnemonia and a bladder infection.  They gave her anti biotics and she got a lot better fast.  

    Two days later I had to take the youngest back because she wasn't getting any better and surprise surprise she had pnemonia too.  She was put on some more antibiotics and this time it worked.

    If you don't think it's allergies then go get a second or even third opinion.  Be persistant and don't let them brush you off!

    Good luck!  

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