
Has anyone had this happen before? ?

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im 38wks and 5days prego and latley when i go to pee afterwards my lower abdomen feels like i have alot of pressure and i start contracting.. i dont ever hold in my pee i always go when i need to go but every time afterwards i feel like i have alot of pressure and it hurts real bad.. has anyone had this happen to them and why would it be like that?




  1. I've had that happen and I'm 37 w and 5 days, I've always felt like that before I had to pee too. Its because the baby is so low, and pressing down on things. I find lifting up my stomach makes it feel better or getting my husband to massage my belly make it feel better, its probally the way the baby is laying and putting his/her weight on everything. good luck.

  2. yea i would say its because the baby is low and in position to come on out haha..maybe ur dilated some...i get that pain b4 and after i pee and it always feel like i have to be in the bathroom.

  3. It sounds like you might have an infection.  

  4. It happened to me with my daughter, the doctor told me its just the position of the baby. If you are really concerned call the doctor.

  5. It's just the baby giving a little push to say hello, or maybe in response to the muscles you were just using. At 38 weeks, the baby is getting a little crowded in there and wants all the space it can get. Nothing to be concerned about. :)

  6. Don't worry. It's perfectly normal. See your doctor if you're so concerned.

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