
Has anyone had this?

by  |  earlier

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We have two cats. One of them went out into the garden yesterday and ate some grass. They both do this a lot. I don't think the other one went out but I can't be sure. Anyway, when I came back downstairs, she had been sick on the floor (just grass and lots of liquid). We have laminate flooring so it's not hard to clean, so I wiped it up and I noticed that it was blood stained. She had been sick twice and the second lot was even redder. Has anyone had this before with their cat and what was the outcome? We are going to book her to see the vet soon, but we want to make sure we have got the right cat first so are keeping a close eye on both of them. Otherwise, they are both really healthy looking, playful, have good appetites and seem happy. They are 4 years old. Thanks for your opinions.




  1. it is supposed to be really good for the cats diet so this is not normall- best to get them checked out by a vet.

  2. My cats always eat grass and sick up a gooey mess, but never with blood so you're right to get this checked out.

    Good luck. x

  3. Yes its happened to me before!!!

  4. grass helps clean out their stomachs.

    usually my neighbor's cats just eats it and throws up, but not with blood. maybe your kitty is eating grass on purpose to flush something out? maybe something is wrong which causes the blood, so check with the vet.

  5. It is normal for cats to eat grass and then sick it up. Its a way of cleaning out their disgestive systems or something like that. I dont think the blood is normal though, id take her/him to the vet asap.

  6. No.. Go to your nearest Vet, Tell them its an emergency

    Keep them separate,

    If one of them is sick , put a cat collar on it so you can tell them apart

    BDW: Eating grass in normal for cats.. mine did it all the time

    Good luck!


  7. my moms cat eats grass all the time and chucks it up all over the floor but by it being blood stained its a good idea to take her to the vet...the grass is sharp so it might have lacerated her esophagus and she bled into her stomach although this is not likely...shes ok for right now but seeing a vet is a good idea

  8. The cat could possibly have just scraped his throat from coughing hard but it could also indicate something a bit more serious as you say the blood is becoming more. Put your mind at rest and check with the vet, you could consider taking both the cats if you cannot figure out what cat is doing this as a simple examination of their throats may give the vets the answer to the problem and what cat is affected.
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