
Has anyone had to call a paranormal investigator?

by  |  earlier

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in Ontario, Canada? If so, why? My daughter wants to know.




  1. Not in Canada, but yes in the US.  You can google for investigators in your area.

    Is there a reason why?

    Please give more info.

  2. I don't know how this works..but at the bottom I see all these different countries...Canada is one of them. Can't you click on that and talk to people in Canada? Maybe it doesn't work that way. I'm afraid to click on them..afraid I won't be able to get back here. Let me know if you do that and what happens, will you? Thanks!

      Why does she want to know? Does she need one for her home?

  3. Yes, he was my accountant. It's still a mystery how I can owe that much in income tax!

  4. Nope, never did.

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