
Has anyone had trouble with a Summertime fibreglass pool fading within 3 months of installation?

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Summertime blames the chemicals in the water, so can anyone tell me how bad the water would have to be for a pool to fade within 3 months and would you beable to swim in it?




  1. A lot of people do not realize the huge damage that Chlorine and other pool chemicals can do if you are not using accurately or per instructions. I am not sure about fiberglass as I have always owned a gunite/concrete pool. I can tell you that even the concrete pools can start chipping or getting the "cratered" look from over chlorinated water. This repair itself can be upwards of 4K to have repaired for gunite pool to be re-plastered. Word of another company and if they say the same thing...start using the proper amount of chems that correspond with the pool size/gallon capacity. Finding out the proper liquids is as simple as bringing in a water sample and gallon size info to your local pool store. They will direct you from there. Once you have it down can get a home water test and do once a week to see where you are with chlorine, ph, etc.

  2. Very likely and believable.

    The pH and total alkalinity are very important to maintain within specifications and need monitoring because overtime the type chlorine used and sanitation systems will drive the pH up or down.

    Take a pool water sample to the pool supply shop and have them do a write up on their findings.  This may help you to get some action from the builder but if the test shows poorly maintained water you only have yourself to blame.  But not to worry you have plenty of company.

    You're welcome!!

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