
Has anyone had weird side effects with ambien?

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Has anyone had weird side effects with ambien?




  1. I used to take it all the time. Before I built up a tolerance to it, it was some crazy stuff. I wouldnt go right to sleep so I would hallucinate, have bad balance and have amnesia. I remember once I thought my laptop was floating. So I was holding it down to the table so my mom wouldnt see it rising haha.

  2. I don't take it,but my mom has been using it for a long time & has had none!

  3. My mom takes it, or did for a while.  She didn't have any problems with it, but her doctor said it can be addictive.  People get used to taking it to fall asleep and use it to pass out right away instead.  There probably is tons of side effects for it, so you may want to check the website for it, because like any other drug, there are sure to be side effects.

  4. i've taken ambien before to sleep as well as recreation. if you do not go to bed 5-10 minutes after taking it you will experience weird side effects. for me if i am not in bed when it begins to kick in and i try to go to bed about 20 minutes after i've taken it then i willl not be able to go to sleep. my mind just races. it acts as a phsycadelic. (sp). now. i've taken two, then when i feel those take another, then another when i feel that one, up to about 6 pills and that will really send you on a wild ride. i've never taken acid or mushrooms that feel quite like that. i dont partake in those activities anymore though. i do however recommend trying it at least once if you're into those types of things. this is not a joke either i am completely serious.

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