
Has anyone heard a law that in the state of illinois its against the law to have less than ten dollars on you?

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Has anyone heard a law that in the state of illinois its against the law to have less than ten dollars on you?




  1. Well... Everyday I enter the state of Illinois with more than $10 on me and I've never been arrested.

  2. Wow.... No I haven't. I've lived in Illinois for most of my life and I never carry any cash.

  3. There might have been at one time. Many states enacted anti-vagrancy laws during the Depression. They would require that you had to have a minimum amount of money on you, proving that you weren't going to beg or steal. These old laws are known as 'Blue Laws" and are still on the books in some states, but very seldom enforced.

  4. The law that you are thinking of is "You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person."  The link to it is here...

    There are a lot of strange and outdated laws in the U.S.  Many of them are still on the books but you'd never get arrested or fined for them.  State Legislatures just forget about them and they become a thing of the past.  Here is a link to places to find a bunch

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