
Has anyone heard about the montauk monster whats your take on it? its funny it reminds meof the loch ness!

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today the main story on the news was news of a unknown creature washed up on shore of a rohld island beachh im really into this story and would like to know what you guys thinnk of it?




  1. Was Elvis Presley mounted on it? Or Santa Claus?

  2. I looks like a turtle without its shell.

    It Looked...EWWW.

    I think i will have nightmares forever.

  3. I could see how it looks like a sea turtle without its shell, but given my limited knowledge of testudine anatomy, I would not think this is the case. For one, the tail is a bit long and the back seems a bit off for a shell-less turtle. Unless it was a mutant, I would say that this is no turtle. The predominant theory at the moment is that the corpse is of a slightly decomposed dog and that the beak is actually an exposed naval cavity (snout). Given the shape of the limbs and tail, I could agree with this.

  4. i think that its real. i was listening to one of the news reports and it mentioned that near the monster was washed up was the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. I think its an experiment gone wrong, and they tried to get rid of it some how.

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