
Has anyone heard about those animal killing holidays in africa?

by Guest33739  |  earlier

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there is a holiday package which i heard about a little while ago where you can basically pay a land owner to sit there all day and fire heavy weaponry at herds of cattle. it sounds amazing and i want to go!!! does anyone know where i can book??




  1. how's that amazing?! you're killing God's creations for what reason?! no, you tell me ok!!

  2. Oooh...could we practice a couple ranges on you first?

  3. i doubt if you can afford to pay for such a trip. what does a cattle cost in that land and will you get the stomach to eat meat again after killing more than two?

  4. Thats sick, how about we shoot at you!

  5. Pop along to your nearest slaughterhouse, and see if you still feel the same way then about these ''amazing'' killing holidays!!

  6. I'd love to go on holiday and fire heavy weaponary at you.

  7. Is evil something you are or something you do?

  8. The words to describe you cant be written on here. GET A LIFE

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