
Has anyone heard anything more about the supposed bigfoot corpse they found?

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Has anyone heard anything more about the supposed bigfoot corpse they found?




  1. They said they found it in Georgia and have had several pictures floating around. I seen them on the news the other day and I really does look weird however it is a hoax. Check out this website.  

  2. Yes, I read about it on my Yahoo News home page. I think it is all fake.

  3. Yes it was fake. Made up of Human and Dog hair I believe.


  5. They found a bigfoot?

  6. Yeah, but I never did see the photos.

  7. O I did  it was all fake the DNA was of like a dog or  something  like that

  8. It was fake, no big surprise there

  9. it is real. they did a DNA test. the results were human,opossum, and inconclusive. what i think happend was when the DNA samples got to the scientists the government came and threated them to make it not bigfoot DNA and make up random stuff about it.

  10. yeah it was a crock of s**++! they were just trying to cash in on something. but on the other hand, do you think it is possible that bigfoot did or does exist?

  11. yeah i wrote a science summery on that cause i have to hevery weekend. It's pretty much a furry man with no DNA that like exists right now. that was a few days ago.....

  12. Yes, it was opossum blood and human blood mixed.  They did a DNA test

  13. its obviously some BS, the same guy that made the last "find" is involved in it too.  

  14. They have a video of it , I think on u tube. It was also highlighted on CNN. it is now being tested by individual scientist to determine its authenticity. I am as skeptical as they come, but this looks real. This is all set aside from the dips who fake the blood samples.

  15. " Two men who claim to have stumbled across a Bigfoot corpse in the woods of northern Georgia indignantly stood by their story at a news conference in Palo Alto during which they offered an e-mail from a scientist as evidence and acknowledged they wouldn't mind making a few bucks from the "find" they have kept stuffed in a freezer for over a month. "

    As they faced a skeptical audience of several hundred journalists and Bigfoot fans that included one curiosity seeker in a Chewbacca suit, the pair were joined Friday by Tom Biscardi, head of a group called Searching for Bigfoot. Other Bigfoot hunters call Biscardi a huckster looking for media attention.

    hmmm.. Bigfoot doesn't exist.. it's just to attract media attention.

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