
Has anyone heard appeal of ossetian people to the Governments and peoples of the world?

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media coverage is 90% about georgia 10% russia. but lets not forget it's not about georgia vs russia, it'sabout georgia vs s.osetia. it all started after russian response to ethnical cleansing of osetian people by georgia. but has anyone listened to osetian people(THE victims in this conflict)?

quote from 2008 aug 8th:

Our people have been systematically exterminated for the past 19 years by the fascist Georgian regime, and their inhuman atrocities have been neglected by the world for the sake of geopolitical interest of the United States.

The conflict is being resolved in compliance with international law. However, skillfully applying falsification of historical facts and political insinuations, under a patronage from the US government, Georgia misrepresents reality to the world.

As of today, the major part of South Ossetia has been eradicated by Georgian aggressors. Our elderly, women and children continue to die. The total death toll is unknown as the Georgian side was opening heavy fire at those trying to help the wounded. Including children.

The unmatched Georgian brutality has been vividly displayed in 1991-1992, when they have been firing point-blank at South Ossetian civilians – the Zar tragedy can never be forgotten, a bus full of people shot dead - elderly, women and children. They shot a three-year-old boy trying to hide under his mother’s body.

What can we talk about with Georgia? How can we forgive burying people alive, burning people, and torturing people with refined methods? After all this, the world is silent and the Georgians continue killing innocent people. Saakashvili doesn’t feel sorry for anybody, even his compatriot Georgians. The notions of "people" and "meat" are not too different for him, and probably he prefers the latter.

For South Ossetia there is only one way to survival - a recognition of its independence by the world community. We appeal to all the good people in the world not to be indifferent to the fate of the Ossetian people.




  1. You claim Russia as your protector.. why don't you appeal to them? All these tiny regions "claiming" independence is the cause of all this conflict, and most are so tiny and poor that they are unviable as separate states anyway, so immediately after gaining "independence" they then quickly ally themselves with some super-power or another. All this does is constantly stir up tension and rivalry. To be honest, I feel for the people affected and killed by the fighting.. but the whole region brings c**p like this down on itself. Kick American CIA out of the Georgian Government, think rationaly about what can be achieved by "independence". Embrace the fact that NO country is TRUELY independent and stop stirring up war and instability by cherry picking who want as "lord and protector" every couple of decades..

  2. Ossetian people? what do you say??? don't you think that you are supporting separatists and not only them but the great aggressor, Russia too. What to do, you are supporting your country, Russia.

    By the way as I know many ossetians live in Georgia and support Georgia, they even have mixed families with georgians. Just Russia backed separatists have provoked the situation and began to shoot  georgian civilians in South ossetia and not only georgians but ossetians too who want to live with georgia.

    Russia became a hero for you now when it supports separatists, russia is the same hero who was the author of Beslan tragedy and slaughtered people in Chechnia. So leave us! we don't want your russia to be our hero!

    Do Ossetian people want independence??? Why not, North Ossetia, which is now in Russia is much bigger, so Russia can give them independence and they can be an independent country!

  3. we heard them.

  4. South Ossetia is a moppet of Russia. If S.O. want independence, they should leave Russia and join the U.N. and forgive what Georgia has done.

    In U.N. both O.S. and Georgia should learn the harmony of co-existence; and start their new chapter of history.

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