
Has anyone heard of a drug called 'kill me'?

by  |  earlier

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long story a girl i know told me she was on it and i would like the chemical name or details




  1. reeli? wow...  

  2. i have now

  3. NO

  4. no. shes lying. if it was called kill me she wouldnt be telling you the story - she'd be dead.

  5. Never heard.

  6. No because it doesn't exist xx

  7. nope  

  8. its a form of heroin the strongest drug in the world one sniff and you can die and its highly contagious all her friends if they even touch her skin can become infected and die  

  9. No, and ur friend is a r****d for taking a drug called kill me...

    Drugs are expensive, id do that for free, haha

  10. I just tried it and  ............................... [body hits floor]  

  11. Never heard of such a drug.

    Doubt that there is one by that name, too.

    Is this a leg pull?

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