
Has anyone heard of a situation like this? thoughts please?

by Guest60759  |  earlier

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my son is nearly 9months, he got his 1st two teeth when he was 4 months, so that means it has been nearly 5months since anymore teeth showing, is this normal? has anyone heard of a similar situation?




  1. oh ya, he got his first ones pretty early so the next ones are just trying to catch up. probably around age 1

  2. It's very common... nothing to worry about.  He'll probably get the next two around his 1st birthday.

  3. Sounds about right to me. Your child does not know he is on a schedule for developing, so he is going to learn things at his own pace.  =)  enjoy him!

  4. A lot of babies teeth up until they are about 2 years old! My youngest is 8 and half months old and hes been teething constantly for the last 5 weeks and has got 4 teeth to show for it, and i wish that he would stop for a little bit, im shattered and i cant bear to see him in pain.

    as far as im aware this is perfectly normal what your son is going through, so i wouldn't worry too much, just enjoy the non-teething period!

    also, just a little personal advice, bonjela and calpol are great for teething but i also use a herbal powder called ashtons and parsons, you just put it in their mouths and it really helps! you can get it from healthy living shops.  

  5. That is very normal. Here is a list of average ages of teeth growing.

    6-7 months - Two central bottom & Two central top teeth.

    7-9 months - Top & bottom; making four top & four bottom teeth in all.

    10-14 months - Double teeth for chewing

    15-18 months - The pointed teeth or “fangs”

    2-3 years - The second set of double teeth at the back

    I hope this helps.

  6. This is interesting for me.

    My son is 5 months and he got 2 teeth within two days of eachother AT his 4 month check up.  It has been a month and I was wondering where the rest of teeth are!  

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