
Has anyone heard of a spiritual Medium April Crawford and had any experience with her?

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The reason I'm asking this is because I have a two sided personality. On one hand I'm deeply spiritual, and on the other I'm a very sceptical person. So when I heard about April Crawford (, I really wanted to check it out and set up a reading to discuss some of the current issues in my life. The non-physical entities which speak through April claim to be very good at reading energies. However when I emailed Allen, the facilitator of readings, if it's possible before the reading begins for me to picture a person and for April to name that "energy", he replied that they do not do tests. To me it seems unreasonable to charge people $200/ hour and not be able to anwser one specific question. Now I am much more doubtful about the authenticity of this "medium" and am just wondering what experiences people have had specifically with her. Thank you for reading through all of this :)




  1. Anyone claiming to have supernatural powers is either delusional, or trying to con you out of your money.  Often, it's the latter case.

  2. Sure hope you didn't pay her  $200 !!! I'm sure there are real psychics who are honest and don't charge...or if they's no more than   $35 or close to that.(I realize they have to feed their families too.) They should be paid for their time...but to me...maybe the same as a baby sitter would get. If they have a "gift"...then it was a gift..not what they went to school and spent money getting a degree to learn how to do. "What you receive as a gift..Give as a gift!"


  3. Well you did ask for a test of the ability as determined by you. If mediums are real (and one should be skeptical within reason of such claims) there is no reason to suspect that they have any control of who (or what) might come through to them. I may want to know something about my deceased grandfather (my test) but I might get information/communication from my deceased grandmother instead that is very accurate (this would have failed my test of can you contact my grandfather).

    Thus, you could write back and ask if she could contact a specific person (I would keep secret who that person was and all information about you until the actual reading).

    Of course I would be skeptical of anyone saying they can contact a specific deceased person.

    Understand that the Amazingly Dishonest Randi makes request like this and even if he got accurate information (but one someone else other than who we was thinking of) and then claims to have debunked the psychic, so naturally they are cautious of performing test.

    On the other hand you could ask if she participated in the actual scientific study of mediums (link below).

    I also have issues with high fees but $200 is not out of line for a psychologist or medical doctor (without insurance) and I have never heard of anyone saying let me just describe my symptoms over the phone and if you get it right then I will come in and pay your examination fee.

    If on the other hand you think 20 or 50 is too much for a psychic (good or not) don't pay it.


  4. If you look on youtube, you will see psychic Sylvia Browne tell Shawn Hornbeck's parents that he is dead (he was years later found alive) and another girl's family that she was alive but being held as a s*x slave in Asia (she was later found dead in the U.S. and it was determined that she was killed soon after being kidnapped.) She also told the wife of a firefighter who died in 911 that his body was underwater like Natalie Holloway and then said "Oh , there was a lot of water with the fire hoses". So don't waste your money on this c**p. Psychics ask questions and then tell people what they want to hear.

  5. You should be doubtful of the authenticty of all mediums. Mediums use a technique called "Cold Reading", they do not actually communicate with spirits or the dead or whatever claims they make. The reason they do not do tests is because they would be proven to be frauds.

    Mediums generally prey on people who have recently lost a loved one. These people are emotionally vulnerable and they do not realize they are being taken advantage of. People in this emotional state are more willing to believe that the medium is getting information from thier deceased relative and not just making good guesses and honing in on accurate information.

    Also people who have recently lost a loved one are prone to confirmation bias, because they want to believe to badly that the medium is really talking to the dead. Confirmation bias means that the medium can go ahead and make 10 guesses and get one correct. The person will ignore the wrong guesses and pick up on the correct one because it confirms his/her belief that the medium is real.

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