
Has anyone heard of a story of a shark saving a human?

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At one point in time I could swear that I read something in a book about a shark saving the life of a human. It was a long time ago, and I can't remember if it was saving the person from another shark, or helping a person lost at sea get to shore. I think it was an older book, but that is all I remember about it. I tried searching for the story online, but I couldn't find it. (Although I couldn't find the one about the Manta Ray saving the human either, and I have heard about that MANY times). Just wanted to know if somehow I dreamt this up, or if anyone else has heard of it.




  1. Nope, never heard it. It's remotely possible, great whites are much smarter than is commonly portrayed. They will spyhop for example, IE stick an eye out of the water to look at people on boats etc, only smart fish and mammals do that. (And no, they don't mistake people for seals, usually when they bite person it's out of curiosity.) In any event, you have a highly evolved apex predator capable of complex behaviour, so it's not completely out of the question. Pretty darn unlikely I would say.

    Less likely than a wolf or a lion or such would save someone, and I don't recall any stories about them saving people either (outside of folklore at least.)  Sure you're not thinking of stories involving porpoises saving humans? Saving them from sharks even? Some badly remembered episode of Flipper? :)

  2. I suppose if the shark had already eaten, then it could save a human for later?  giggle Better than wasting food aye?

  3. Yeah in Disney World

  4. i think you mistaken it for soemthing esle because the shark would eat aperson and if they are hungary would be more thenn atha. they are horrible and they are predators.

  5. wah....I also heard about that...or perhaps we read the same news...

    it's happend at south america...i quess...

    well maybe sharks also have a's nice if all the sharks like that....maybe we do not afraid again with them...

  6. I highly doubt it. The only way a shark would help someone is to give a person a quick death if they were stranded in the ocean instead of a long painful one...

    They are not like dolophins, they are fish and don't really think. All they do is act on instinct. There is no reason for it to save a human, so why should it bother unless it will somehow give it food?

  7. No not sharks. several stories about dolphins are around.


    But at the last minute, a group of dolphins appeared and scared off the sharks.


    A friendly dolphin has saved a teenage boy from drowning.

    Non-swimmer Davide Ceci, 14, was within minutes of death when dolphin Filippo came to his rescue.

    The friendly 61-stone creature has been a popular tourist attraction off Manfredonia in south-east Italy for two years.

  8. Actually I heard that sharks are resistant to cancer and that research is being done to figure out why. So in that case a shark really can save a human - from cancer.

    I've included a link to get you pointed at the concept.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

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