
Has anyone heard of a tree garden? I would like to visit a large tree garden with many types of trees.?

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Does anyone know of any and where?




  1. You must have a local Botanic Garden or Botanical Garden.

    Every one of them is full of trees, both outdoors and in the greenhouses. There are sections exclusively dedicated to – for example – ornamental cherry trees or oaks. They are labeled and there are a number of employees that can either help you with information or direct you to someone at the garden who could. Each and every part of the garden is under the direct supervision and care of an individual who can be emailed or written to via snail mail. I have been to Botanic gardens in the Northeast that have palm trees growing outdoors - permanently – on the grounds. The trees are from the Himalayan Mountains and are kept from freezing over the winter by surrounding the palm with huge plastic containers filled with water. The palm and the containers are then draped with a clear tarp during the winter. The water in the containers absorbs heat from the sun during the day and releases the heat during the night – preventing the palm from freezing. As long as the palm doesn’t freeze it will survive the winter – as it does in its native Himalayan Mountain range. So not only will you have access to endless species of native trees from your area but you will learn what imported species will do well for you and can come away with some wonderful ideas. There are even arborists working at the gardens to make “trees” out of species that would normally not grow in such a form.

    You can have one of the most unique gardens of trees on your property, town or better yet, the most unique property anyone has ever seen in your county.

    A Botanic Garden is a great place to start. You will learn about size, form and placement and how they relate to one another. Photograph scenes and/or trees (from different angles) you would like to duplicate. Write down as much information as you can and research them later with or without the help of a staff member.

  2. Sure - there are lots of them.

    They're called "Arboretums".

    Here's a start:

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