
Has anyone heard of an 8 year old girl that gave birth to a child??

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my mom told me that she saw it on the news about an eight year old girl that gave birth to a child. have yall herad abt it???




  1. Did she tell you on the 1st of April.

    8 year olds haven't started pubity so how could she have???

  2. Just remember that we all should know by now that just because it is in the news, doesn't make it true.  The major news media hardly even does research anymore.  They just spit out rumour, speculation, and conjecture.  Wait for the verified facts by a local source before believing the general media.

    That being said, weirder things have happened:

  3. 14th May 1939, a girl called Lina Medina gave birth at the age of 5 years seven months and 21 days. She was a Peruvian girl from the Andean Village of Ticrapo. Check out

  4. nope, but it could probably happen

  5. yes but it was in the early 1900s a little girl in brasil got raped and gave birth she's the youngest mother recorded im pretty certain it hasnt happened since as they would just give her an abortion

  6. I did.

  7. no......that's very odd! not to mention scary =[

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