
Has anyone heard of or tried the water 4 fuel HHo system ?

by Guest34407  |  earlier

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I just saw it online it is pretty amazing if it is for real.Let me know if you have tried it or are thinking of trying it.and if you have heard of any problems with this thing.Just type HHo into your search engine. Thanks




  1. i just love how everyone says its a scam without knowing anything about it, i have done some tinkering with hho hydrogen/oxygen browns gas whatever you wanna call it

    i dont care how many mechanics say that modern day cars burn fuel at almost 100%

    well the truth is im a mechanic and i know for a fact there is unburned fuel going out of your motor "which can be fully burned with oxygen and hydrogen a very flamable gas

    , the battery in your car is fully charged after a very short amount of time your alternator is creating around 14volts constant just at an idle and not all of the 14 volts are being drawn down by the electronics of your car .. otherwise when you turn your headlights ac radio your car wouldnt run worth a c**p

    hydrogen is obivously a flamable gas ...  an alternator obivously makes more voltage at all times then the car needs to run ......

    even if the alternator didnt .. you still have the "potental unused energy" from the non combusted fuel that normal goes to your catylistic converter and out of the exhaust

    that all being said .....for your car to be able to see a real improvement  you have to drop the voltage going to your oxygen sensor, that or put a spacer in it ...

    it tricks the computer into giving the car less fuel

    otherwise you would see no improvment

    being your introducing more oxygen "coming from the hydrogen/oxygen mix"  into your engine

    .. which will pass by your oxygen sensor ... telling the  computer to give the car more fuel  which would mean you see no improvment  and it would even out or like said above drop your mpg

  2. This isn't a long term solution as it requires more energy to get the hydrogen than you will get when it recombines with oxygen.

    Simply put, these engines are a scam

  3. When the car is running I thought the battery was being charged. To me it seems that there is going to be a cert amount of charge available at all times. Sometimes you use the max charge and sometimes you are not using the max charge.

    An example I can think of is one of those cars that has a BIG stereo system in it, seems to me they use closer to the max charge and the same car without the BIG stereo is not using the max charge available. So to a point do both cars get the same gas mileage?

    It is the same Principal with one of these systems, I would think. As long as you were going to the max charge and more gas was not taken to run the car that the output of the higher octane fuel would be advantage.

    I think really the only way to see for sure is to build one and try it out. Which I am doing right now, just waiting on a few parts.

    It makes Hyrodrogenoxide part hydrogen part oxygen so yes it will combust, to me it makes the fuel much cleaner and more explosive.

  4. The rig will generate hydrogen and oxygen, and your car will burn these along with the regular fuel. So in that sense, it does indeed work, plus or minus the inconvenience of the whole arrangement.

    But it won't save you any gasoline. That's because the electrical energy that you use to dissociate the water into hydrogen and oxygen ultimately comes from the alternator, and the additional electrical load on the alternator translates to an additional mechanical load on the engine--that is, the alternator is harder for the engine to turn when it's producing your hydrogen and oxygen, so the engine has to work harder. It turns out that some of this electrical energy also ends up heating the water, so you never get out as much energy in the form of burnable H2 and O2 as you put in through the alternator belt.

    The people who promote such hydrogen schemes don't understand this--they think that there's 'excess voltage' or "unused energy" available from the car's electrical system, and there is not. You could charge the battery at home, which would effectively power your car through your home's electric meter, but it would be a good deal of work.

  5. Well, other than the fact that is it total BS.

    There is no such thing as "HHO".  All they do is use electricity to convert water to an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases.  The energy yielded from the combustion of the gas mixture CANNOT exceed that of the input electricity - that would violate thermodynamic principles in the extreme.

    Sorry - it's a load of c**p.  An internet page doesn't mean anything.

  6. i have just heard of it a couple of weeks ago & i am starting to look into it myself as either as a complete alternative fuel system  but as i got started heard about orgone energy it seems to be a far better system if i could get something done with it  here is some of what i am looking at i find it very interesting i have gotten some good info here on this site also

  7. To tell if it would help look at your car exhaust. The important thing is there is no  oxygen in it. There is CO and that is to say that it has more fuel than it can burn. Now to add hydrogen fuel will mean nothing as there is no oxygen for it to burn with.

  8. The only problem with it is that it does not work.  It's a scam.

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