
Has anyone heard of this No Impact Man?

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I'm trying to find new ways to conserve my pollution and deal with our societies ways in the same fashion




  1. THere are many articls and view points about this guy. Here is just one. See links below for more.

    Global Warming Extreme: No Impact Man, No Toilet Paper, ABC Applauds


    By L. Brent Bozell III

    May 17, 2007  

    Webster's tells us that an extremist is one who is "at the end or outermost point; farthest away; most remote." In politics, extremism is "the extreme right or the extreme left." Both sides have their respective ideological embarrassments, but with one striking difference: If you're a left-wing environmental extremist, you are treated as sensible, even praiseworthy, by ABC News.

    "No Impact Man" -- ABC'S Comic Hero

    Meet Colin Beavan, a man who touts himself as "No Impact Man," a walking Manhattan publicity stunt with a book deal and a documentary filmmaker to publicize his year of monastic self-denial. He sounds like a comic-book superhero, but the more you hear of his story, the more it's simply comic. He describes himself whimsically on his own No Impact Man blog as a "guilty liberal" and a "tree-hugging lunatic," and that was good enough for ABC's "Good Morning America," which on May 10 devoted eight and a half minutes to exploring Beavan's World.

    The show's weather man, Sam Champion, explained that Beavan and his wife and daughter have a routine that might seem "a little extreme," including no morning paper, no morning television, no food or drink that isn't grown or made within 250 miles, no transportation (even mass transit), even elevators. "And, oh yeah, no toilet paper." You read that correctly. It's all for love of the planet, "a year-long experiment seeing if they can live their lives without creating any waste, and therefore having no negative impact on the environment."

    This is not just "a little" extreme. This is just plain stupid. Nauseatingly stupid, too.

  2. If I saw him I'd probably laugh. It's impossible to have absoloutely NO impact unless you would like to run around naked and never eat. You wouldn't last very long.

  3. No but have a look at Urban Permaculture and treehuggers tv on Youtube

    Have a look at byderules answer on my question in Green Living. It is excellent.

  4. no, i haven't

  5. yes i have a very interesting project he has started with his no impact experiment.  well its even a miracle him n his family has made it thru like 7 months living da way they are.  i dont think u could (or want to) have a similar lifestyle.  although it is good to reduce your impact on the Earth the best u can that fits your comfort level.

  6. You couldn't even be no impact if you killed yourself.

    You were conceived, you had an impact.

  7. No, haven't heard of him (if he exists) though i have a friend who's trying to transition to a zero waste lifestyle. He's been bringing tupperware containers and reusable bags to carry his lunch in. I think it's awesome. There is SOOO much we can do to eliminate our wastes. No impact at all would be a bit tough though (though you could purchase carbon credits- but only if you actually make money in your job). So what are you starting out on? I've got the compost bin, the bicycle and a few other 'low impact' plans myself. Cheers

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